Bike Maintenance Survey

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Hi Everyone! I am working on a group project and we need to collect some feedback from people that have ridden a bike before (no specific experience level required). If you are willing to participate in this confidential survey, please click the link below. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes and we will be collecting responses until December 31st. Sharing with any cyclist friends and family would also be greatly appreciated. The more people we can reach, the better! Thank you for your time.


Legendary Member
Started but then realised it seems to be hoping to sell a product so, sorry not interested.


Looks like you've got a solution looking for a problem.

I think you'll find that the cyclists who might benefit from some auto warning system are probably newbies and will be buying at the cheap end and would not want to spend on extras. The cyclists who would be prepared to spend money on expensive bikes will have gained sufficient experience to spot any bike faults as soon as they materialise and therefore would not benefit from your product.

But good luck with your project
All maintenance covered by this app done quicker than pulling out my iPhone and launching it. Tyre pressure less that 1s per tyre for a quick squeeze. Brake pads roughly 0.0467s to look st them. Wheel wobble around 2s per tyre to spin it.

Sorry but this is so basic and unnecessary I'd not spend on it. Not because of money but because it won't save me any time.

All it would help is novice riders but they'd out grow it in 2 weeks and doubt they would be interested in it in the first place.
Loch side.
"Connected devices" and apps for bicycles suck.


I gave up in the end as there are no options along the lines of 'Seriously, I'm not interested in the concept' - the research is going to get a very biased sample as you can only really complete it by complicitly agreeing that the principle is sound - which to me it isn't.


Hi All,

Thank you for your responses so far and your feedback on this forum too!

To clarify, our project is only trying to mimic a business case/product development. We certainly are not selling anything, just trying to gauge interest in the individual cyclist market and see if this solution is something people would actually want to pay for. It really is just a group project.
Sorry for some of the poorly chosen wording in the survey itself -- the elaboration on types of cyclist was just to help clarify what we might mean but it's not an exclusive definition. Didn't mean to offend anyone...we aren't well-trained in the design of surveys.

Anyway, it seems like, as we suspected, this problem isn't really something an individual cyclist is really looking for a solution to/would pay extra to take care of. The more data points we can get though, the more certain this conclusion can be (and I'm sure there's also other insight we can still gather/learn). So if anyone else could please fill this out, that would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Leg End Member
Hi Everyone! I am working on a group project and we need to collect some feedback from people that have ridden a bike before (no specific experience level required). If you are willing to participate in this confidential survey, please click the link below. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes and we will be collecting responses until December 31st. Sharing with any cyclist friends and family would also be greatly appreciated. The more people we can reach, the better! Thank you for your time.
You're in the US I take it, "Woburn, MA"?


Banned member
South West
monitoring tyre pressures? what a waste of time - this is totally unnecessary for 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the population
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