Blue Mini HS03 FXF

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Active Member
It's with the local traffic Police now, they seemed quite shocked when I described the incident, hopefully they will feel the same once they have watched the video. Told them it was on YouTube and they just needed to search using the registration number to find it.

Well done and thank you. Thats the right move, deffo.:thumbsup:



someone measure the distance between the car and the bike at it's narrowest point, and how fast was the bike going

yes it's aggressive and bad driving but the bike is only just entering a wide turning as the car turns left, again, not good, not nice but not as bad as some on here seem to be trying to make it

I see that on a weekly basis, if I don't touch the brakes I don't consider it more than poor



Evidence based cyclist
someone measure the distance between the car and the bike at it's narrowest point, and how fast was the bike going

yes it's aggressive and bad driving but the bike is only just entering a wide turning as the car turns left, again, not good, not nice but not as bad as some on here seem to be trying to make it

I see that on a weekly basis, if I don't touch the brakes I don't consider it more than poor


Try saying that when you have a child on the back.


New Member
I can only go by the comments on here as I am unable to view video in work but judging from the comments a near left hook is disgusting and with a child on the back makes it even worse. Let us hope that the police can do something about it.

All said and done if nothing happens to this person i.e. get kicked or nicked or otherwise at least you can content yourself that they still have to put up with the humiliation that they have paid top dollar for and are driving around in a


A Human Being
I can only go by the comments on here as I am unable to view video in work but judging from the comments a near left hook is disgusting and with a child on the back makes it even worse. Let us hope that the police can do something about it.

All said and done if nothing happens to this person i.e. get kicked or nicked or otherwise at least you can content yourself that they still have to put up with the humiliation that they have paid top dollar for and are driving around in a

I have quite a few subscribers to my YouTube channel who live in Swindon so maybe the driver will find out their bad driving is on the internet.


What’s the point
Try saying that when you have a child on the back.

been there done that got the tshirts. if drivers gave me that much room i would have been happy.

its not brilliant driving but its nowhere near as bad as i imagined it was going to be from the original post


A Human Being
I cannot say whether they braked or not, probably didn't as that were not going that fast, they did ease off slightly and take a nervous look over their right shoulder to see if anyone else was going to attempt the same manoeuvre.
I think you are applying hardened commuter values to this situation. If they had done the same to me I would have just thought "self-gratification artist" and not even considered posting it on here or reporting it. But the thing that makes it stand out is the fact someone is willing to put a child in danger just to save a few seconds.



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extimus uero philosophus
Come on.. I dont think thats acceptable driving for several reasons (even excluding the kiddie factor)...

For one the highway code does say that you shouldnt overtake near or through junctions. The driver has barely completed one manouvre before attempting abother - the turning. Secondly the driver does leave it a bit late. Thirdly they're not fully concentrating on the road ahead due to the waving. Fourthly, the road was very clear from the video shown, what was wrong with waiting a couple of seconds and pulling in behind the lady and child?

Again I think theres a small element of desensitisation represented by comments here.


A Human Being
[QUOTE 1359648"]
No I'm not. Standard definition of a left hook is someone overtaking you and then turning left thus forcing you to brake or otherwise there is a real danger that you will go into the side of the vehicle.

I don't see how that has happened here.

I would call it a left hook whenever someone cuts across your path without leaving a reasonable safety margin, having to brake just makes it a more serious left hook.

I have had many left hooks where I haven't needed to brake, I seen the indicator on as they're passing and just free-wheeled as I know what's going to happen.


never perfom a maouvre that causes another road user to brake or change direction

that's the gold standard I think and like it or not the mini driver doesn't cause that

again, shitty driving but no more than that, not dangerous, quite

the kiddy seat just means the bike is likely to be going slower, nothing more, no emotional please


A Human Being
[QUOTE 1359652"]
Which is the braking distance on a bike travelling at x speed. Thank you for agreeing to my earlier post about this not being a left hook.

As a guestimate she was travelling at 10mph, so the braking distance for a car, with superior mechanical grip and four powerful brakes is about 5 metres, the mini did not leave a 5 metre gap when turning in.


A Human Being
[QUOTE 1359656"]
<Shakes head> Please don't try and compare the braking dynamics of a car and a bike. Given that one is much heavier then the other.

Are you stating a bicycle can out brake a car?<Shakes head>
[QUOTE 1359651"]
1. That's open to intepretation. If a junction is open (as in the vid) and I don't see no traffic going into or out of that junction does that mean I must not overtake becuase the HC says so? Of course not.

Yes it does!

The problem is that all too many drivers (and apparently cyclists) think the Highway Code does not apply to them and gives them Cart Blanche to drive as they like.

The point being missed (again) is that the only way roads can be safe is if drivers drive appropriately and obey the rules.

Without that basis there is absolutely no safety at all.

DO NOT overtake if there is any doubt, or where you cannot see far enough ahead to be sure it is safe. For example, when you are approaching

  • a corner or bend

DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example

  • stay behind if you are following a cyclist approaching a roundabout or junction, and you intend to turn left

The driver is totally wrong, and in driving this way endangers other road users.... and would have failed a drivingtest for a stupid and reckless stunt like this

His driving unequivocally "fails to exercise the "standard of driving that could be expected of a reasonable and competent driver"

He needs to have his license removed - simples


A Human Being
[QUOTE 1359659"]
All I know that on a low racer bent with BB7's front and back I can come to a controlled stop within roughly 17 (8 1/2 turns on a 26'' wheel) metres. If that means that I can outbreak a car then yes that is what I am saying.

But it wasn't you on a low racer bent with BB7's front and back plus you seem to have forgotten thinking time.

I'll make the question clearer, are you stating a cheap upright with cheap rim brakes and the extra weight of a child seat and a child can out brake a car?

Any cyclist who thinks they can out brake a car is howling at the moon.
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