Bond films

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People a lot younger than us. In general, people physically or mentally in their mid teens.

I apologise deeply, however one cannot read Nietzsche 24/7 and I would be happy to watch a Kieslowski film, but he went and died without my permission!!
On a more serious note, I suspect that when I was watching films in the Festival de Cannes you were getting smashed in your local pub, but then again, my upbringing does not allow me to lower myself to your level and be equally offensive..

Not all of us taking ourselves that seriously.. get a life!


Stop getting Bond wrong!...:laugh:


Well-Known Member
I saw it yesterday with my wife & 2 kids, we all loved it. I grew up watching Roger Moore as 007 & Daniel Craig is definitely the best since far !!
I think everyone knows what you're gonna get from a Bond film hence the popularity, infact i've had a bit of a 007 weekend & watched another 3 or 4 films on sky, i love the cornyness of the 70's Bond films aswell as the lack of political correctness that plagues alot of entertainment these days.
Long Live 007 !!!!


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Quite so - really it is curiosity rather than knocking it. If you know it is going to open with a chase, then be the same old plot and the same old villan and the same old gadget scene and the same old totty with attitude that then falls for bond's charm: what makes you dash along to the cinema to see it?
Is it not all a bit like going to see Rocky XXIII ?
Or is it like a Morse or something? Is it still entertaining to trot out the same thing endlessly?

Last Bond I saw at the cinema had Roger Moore in it so I really dont know!!

they did get gradually worse after (an during) Moore's reign. When they introduced Timothy Dalton, they claimed they were getting back to the Bond Flemming wrote about, one who relies on his wits rather than a jet powered hover gondola, laser watch or remote control BMW. They made the same claim when Bronhom appeared as Bond, but they still missed the mark by a mile.

Then when Daniel Craig comes on the scene, we were finally given a bond acting on his wits, doing little more than chasing, beating people up, checking their mobile and following the source of a suspicious text message, beating them up, and so on. Only one daft bit of gadgetry amongst good solid action. It's a pity Quantum of Solace didn't stand up to the new standard.


I apologise deeply, however one cannot read Nietzsche 24/7 and I would be happy to watch a Kieslowski film, but he went and died without my permission!!
Ah, sorry, that wasn't aimed at you. I was just suggesting to OTH that we probably weren't the target audience for Bond films.
I'll happily read pap if there is nothing else available, but not watch pap - I prefer to be made to think when I go to the cinema. So Three Colours yes, but no to Friedrich.
Skyfall is indeed on my list, but only once the queue in my Vue has died down.

On a more serious note, I suspect that when I was watching films in the Festival de Cannes you were getting smashed in your local pub, but then again, my upbringing does not allow me to lower myself to your level and be equally offensive..
Not unless you are hugely older than your avatar, Madam, because I haven't got smashed in my local pub since about 1990. And your upbringing is a credit to your parents.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I'm not a great Bond fan but I wouldn't mind going to see Skyfall, based on seeing Craig in his previous Bond films. He isn't my :cuppa: but he does look like he could be a proper cold blooded, ex SAS, killer, unlike Moore.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
And I missed out seeing Quantum of Solace, having kept up with them at the cinema since View to a Kill. Just wasn't bothered any more. I liked Brosnan's style, and although I reckoned Craig was more like the character in the books (I've read most of them I think), I didn't enjoy him so much in the role. But there seems to be a bit more of a buzz about Skyfall, so like NT, I wouldn't mind seeing it - which is convenient!
Not unless you are hugely older than your avatar, Madam, because I haven't got smashed in my local pub since about 1990. And your upbringing is a credit to your parents.

Hugely older indeed! ;) If my memory isn't failing me, my first visit in the Festival de Cannes was in 1988 actually.. :bravo:
(never wise to make assumptions or stereotyping, is it? :rolleyes: Btw, who says that I have to be 20 in order to look like my avatar?). As for my "title" had it had an "e" at the end it wouldn't be offensive either!! :laugh:

Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
I used to love Bond films as a kid. I just could not watch any of the earlier ones now, well maybe the George Lazonby one. Never cared for Connery as I got older, and the smarmyness of Moore is truly awful. But as everybody mentioned you know what you are going to get. Never watched a Bond film for ages, well since Goldeneye which was actually pretty good. Or maybe it is just the awesome N64 game that makes me feel more nostalgic about that one.


bronhom and dalton were both crap... Craig was a refreshing change.

Craig's Bond is almost an exact replica of Dalton's - that is they are closer to the sadistic but vulnerable literary original. Even the first two films each did follow the same pattern. The difference is that Dalton had the misfortune to be Bond during the nadir of the character's popularity after Moore's ludicrous corset-bound Bond.
[QUOTE 2125326, member: 45"]Do you never watch repeats?[/quote]
Very rarely.
I own two films on DVD but do watch one or two films a week which i have recorded off TV.
I will perhaps wait a year or two before seeing a film again. Some will be worth a second watch.
Mainly I like comedy and there are some films that the jokes get to be catchphrases with a second or third watch.
But dramas or thrillers dont do much for me so tend to not even get a first watch.
Probably seen Life of Brian the most at say four times.
I like to watch Big Bang Theory repeats just to swich my brain off for 25 mins.
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