Brad to support Froome for the 2013 tour

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I think he meant Brad Winning the Giro and Froome taking the TdF! Anyway, carry on! :smile:

Yes I did, seems as Brad will do team lead in Grio and domestique in the tour, and Chris is very likely to target just the tour, so I doubt SKY would send either one of them to the Vuelta.

But as raindog says, why not let the newly signed JTL loose on it. I expect him to ride either the tour or Giro as a support climber, but IF he rode the Giro he could have enough rest time to target the Vuelta in form.


God Almighty
"BOTH"? There are three.
So let's let JTL loose on the Vuelta.... :crazy:

Uran must nearly at the stage where he is thinking about leadership, but I wouldn't put it past Froome to ride it if he fails to win the tour - no olympic games means he might be able to recover adequately. Sky have some serious firepower for all three grand tours, I reckon that they just need to be careful of backing the same few horses time and time again, otherwise the up and coming riders might start to get frustrated. Porte could be another leader, but I don't see Sky letting him skip the tour, what with an important TTT


despite his talent, Froome wont win. His young age and lack of tactical experience will be his downfall, as it was in the Vuelta.

But, if he had Brad riding for him calling the plays on the road, that's a good combination. As for this years Vuelta, I think he just ran out of beans against guys with fresh legs, I mean coming off a year like he's had and still coming in 4th is pretty impressive.


Well-Known Member
I am also not sure that Froome can take it. If he focuses on Le Tour and nothing else, then maybe. But, he has the time trials to deal with along with the hills, which he copes with so well. We all remember him leading Wiggo up whatever stage that was as the end of Le Tour, but the event is so much more than that. If he is in prime for 2013 with Sky, then good,luck, but he has some class opponents to deal with.


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
interesting split fopr the sky core group.....
who will get who?

knees, henao, uran, rogers, porte.... are they gonna spread themselves too thin going for two GC's.

Next year i think the best two support riders have to be the columbian's which i think will both end up on the giro.

The conversation between froome and wiggo must have gone....

Froome: i want the TDF this year
Wiggo: fine, i'll take the columbians to the giro......
Froome: doh!


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