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k turner

New Member
Hi. I'm a newbie, been riding a week since a 35 yr break since childhood. I have many physical problems and I am only wanting to ride 1 mile to my pony and back again, twice a day, as I have sold the car.

I am doing the trip 1 mile each way only once in the late afternoon at the moment, but I do need to work up to twice. I have tried to go half an hour after breakfast, but kept getting stitch. Tried twice now in the last 10 days.

Seeing as the problems I have are hypoglycaemia and fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, as well as lots of Oesteoarthritis, I need to have breakfast for the hypo problem, and need something to fuel my muscles as well.

I am in a very hilly area, and at present cycle on the flat, and about half way up the hills, then get off and walk to the top, then ride on the flat again.

I know a mile is no challenge for most of you on here, but with my problems it is.

Any ideas on what to have and how long to wait so I dont get stitch on the first hill????



can't help thinking this might be one for your gp
k turner

k turner

New Member
Doctors are useless. I want to know what you eat before long rides and how long to wait so you dont get stich, or indigestion. Just think of my one mile as your 100 miles.
[email][/email] said:
Doctors are useless. I want to know what you eat before long rides and how long to wait so you dont get stich, or indigestion. Just think of my one mile as your 100 miles.

When I cycle to work, I tend to cycle on an empty stomach these days. Long story but since my chicken px two years ag, I find it hard er to eat breakfast daily.

So I cycle to work on an empty stomach, and eat fruit etc.

Now there is another thred on these forums about heath fitness food etc, that may be a better place to look.

but here are my thoughts...

What do you eat for breakfast normally? Could you cope with for example a banana mashed in yoghurt before the cycle and then have a fuller break fast later? But I would expect to exercise about 30 minutes after eating for me.

But ideally for exercising, your breakfast needs to be lite, though different people have different characteristics, preferences.

As part of your 'training' period, could you get a lift/walk after breakfast and cycle later? The reason I say that is because as your body gets conditioned to the exercise, the associated stitch can disappear.

Does this help??

Maz said:

Depends o n the circumstances...

But an experience tha tI ahd with my GP, whose breath smells like an ashtray and my beer gut resembles his thigh!

I had a general medical for some reason. He took blood, measured my pulse rate etc. My Pulse raete was good for a guy of my age etc and he seemed generally pleased.

As a parting shot, he suggested I should lose weight. I replied any advice, any suggestions?

He mumbled about being out of time and that I should use the internet!

So whist some GPs can be very good, it depends on various factors.

k turner

k turner

New Member
My reason for asking is that the pony lives out in summer, but from November on he goes in the stable at night, so I will have to be there to let him out and give him breakfast at 6am and to bring him in and give him supper at 4pm, everyday.

That has been fine with a car for the past 6 years, but now I have sold it as it was getting more difficult to drive with cramps from sitting still and I have snapped my anterior cruciate ligament and torn both medias on my clutch leg.

So I took the brave and so far not totally stupid route of buying a bicycle. I am not out of breath anymore after only 10 days and the sweating is getting better, and I am using 2nd and 3rd gears on the flat now.

I usually have 2 weetabix with branflakes and a little oats to keep me full till lunchtime. Cant keep getting up to go to the kitchen havent got enough energy.

I will try cutting down to three tablespoons only and take a banana and apple with me. If I eat at 5am and feed cats and dogs, and leave about 5.45 I could be there about 6.15 (taking me 25 mins at the moment including walking up hills). Only takes 12 mins home as it is a lot of downhill.

Are the energy drinks, creatin, whey powder, protein powder etc going to help build up muscle quickly or are they just a waste of money???? I took Boost yesterday and today and found it easier, but I am getting fitter as well so cant say which it was.


Legendary Member
What about your bike kt...
If its hilly, and you're struggling with strength / stamina, you maybe need (assuming you havnt already got one) a bike with as wider range of gears as you can get. This could allow you to take on the hill slowly, but uses much less strength to get up it.
Has you bike got a Megarange sprocket on the back ? Its the biggest one on the back wheel, and could be 34 tooth. This would help a lot.
k turner

k turner

New Member
Maz - My doctor looks things up on the internet in front of me and I tell him that what he is prescribing I have had before and all the blood tests, etc, etc, but he still insists on doing the useless normal things.

I have been taking care of myself with regards to meds and things you shouldn t take for 25 years now. Oesteo's and chiro's are great, but the phyisos just give you a sheet of excercises from the other side of the desk and tell you to come back in a month and get another sheet.

I have done more with my own massage equipment, ice packs, heat packs, internet meds, etc in the last few weeks than they have done in years.

Anything that will work is addictive so you cant have it. What great sense that makes!!!! Some of the things I do to get relief are possitively life threatening, never mind addictive. lol.

I have started a good diet and with the bicycle I am going to just do it myself!!!
k turner

k turner

New Member
gbb - I think they have sold me the wrong thing actually. It is an apollo cross country with wide treads like wellies underneath. (Like bmx tyres). It is 17 inch, which my neighbour says is too small. It has been back twice to be fixed in the first three days, but I cant take it back anymore as I cant cycle 16miles yet. My neighbour who has been cycling for 40 years adjusted everything for me. He moved the seat forward, handle bars up, seat up, fixed the geaers as they were missing and the chain was jumping off. I have 18 gears. But only use up to no.3 or 4 at present. (3 on the left and 6 on the right.)
k turner

k turner

New Member
davo - cant walk that far it is too tiring, I seem to glide along so quickly on the bike, just have to walk the top half of the hills. If I get bad in winter I will take the bus.
k turner

k turner

New Member
Could you give me comments on those muscle building formulas etc and if they will work quickly and some more breakfast suggestions. Could I drink a few of those things so I dont get indigestion and stich?
A mile is better than nothing - keep it up

[email][/email] said:
Could you give me comments on those muscle building formulas etc and if they will work quickly and some more breakfast suggestions. Could I drink a few of those things so I dont get indigestion and stich?

To be honest, I think you should avoid them. They can work as part of a managed life style.

All you need is a sensible diet, geared towards your physiological conditions. Just ensure lowish in fat and a sensible cross between carbs and protein.

It seems like your fitness is already improving. You are also fortunate in that you have an incentive, a need to cycle the four trips a day. Esp the trips home.

I would revisit your bike, I am not in a position to suggest alternatives, but yo probably need a hybrid bike with sensible tyres rather than the huge chunky tyres. Maybe your neighbour can advise?

Hope this helps.

As Isaid your fitness seems to be improving, it takes time and dedication. Eat sensibly as well.

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