Building leg muscles how long will it take?

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Legendary Member
@Cuchilo In one part of a 100+ miler? Chapeau


Convoi Exceptionnel
After about 4 years and 6,500 miles of cycling I suddenly noticed I had big triangular muscles in my calves and really well defined quads - in fact the legs of a professional sportsman. Unfortunately cycling has done nothing to rid me of the torso of a 1970s professional darts player, which I retain to this day.


After about 4 years and 6,500 miles of cycling I suddenly noticed I had big triangular muscles in my calves and really well defined quads - in fact the legs of a professional sportsman. Unfortunately cycling has done nothing to rid me of the torso of a 1970s professional darts player, which I retain to this day.
Yes sir but you have done well in my books


Prize winning member X2
They did it 9 times as part of the same race lol
"They " didn't have six sash windows to make , spray and fit !


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You won't build big muscles riding a bike. It is the wrong type of exercise. Unless you are a track sprinter.
Cycling will tone existing muscle and improve your aerobic fitness. I am 6'3" and skinny as a rake. I can cycle reasonably quickly for a guy the wrong side of 40. I need to lose about half a stone to be quick in the hills though.
Some people develop bulkier muscles naturally. *Something* made my leg muscles atrophy but it has only taken about 1,000 miles of cycling for them to start bulking up again. My thighs lost a lot of fat and muscle so they went down from over 24" to about 20", but are already back to 23" even though their fat levels are still falling.
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