Calling all Helmet Cam Cyclists

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I managed to get a few minutes on the way in to work; sadly the cam decided to switch itself off... I missed a wonderful green to red and back again on a set of traffic lights that I wanted to post... Its not the same on the way home for all sorts of reasons (mostly cos I go another way :smile: ) but I will see if there is any reasonable stuff this evening.



Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
This mornings ride was hard work due to the win, but i saw Origamist and rode with him for quiet a bit and then saw a work colleague by victoria and another just outside of work. It's nice cycling with people you know on the way to work ^_^


Legendary Member
very windy in London today...came to a near standstill on Westminster Bridge and the Mall.

footage uploaded


hope it's not too dull.

GoPro seems to be working well. What setting have you got it on?

Our routes intersect at the E&C - I use St George's Road too. Will keep an eye out for you!

This mornings ride was hard work due to the win, but i saw Origamist and rode with him for quiet a bit and then saw a work colleague by victoria and another just outside of work. It's nice cycling with people you know on the way to work ^_^

Good to see you (twice). I forgot it was film a ride day! Will upload something later....

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Yes, mostly commuting on the Plug, but sometime on the Focus, Trek folder or the pretty Peugeot:


Oh my...that is pretty.

When I was 11 my dad promised me a new bike for xmas...I wanted a BMX (A diamond-back Mogoose from memory)and he got me some crappy racer. I liked it but secretly still hankered after a BMX (ET had just been released!)

Over the next few years I totally grew to love that bike...and fully appreciate it, It was a Reynolds framed Peugeot tourer and it took my 12 year old bag 'o bones all over the south of England on many weekend tours with my best mate.

At 17 I got a car and never rode it again. Turns out my dad took it to the dump about 5 years ago having kept it in the barn for about 20 years.

I'd have loved to have refurbished that frame. Cant believe I deserted her, I was so fickle



Über Member
So I was off work today, so didn't do the usual commuting ride.

In hindsight, going for a ride with a mate, 4pm is NOT a good time to start!

Some TERRIBLE driving - people pulling stuff I have NEVER experienced on the roads before. Not sure I want to upload the footage!

Having said that, won't be easy to. This is the second time my contour had done a load of beeping mid recording, and I've ended up with corrupted footage. Either there's something wrong with my camera, or with the SD card. Of course I'm sure each will blame the other.

There should be two video files on my camera, only one is coming up in Storyteller, the other is a grey box. Let's see what we get once it's finished copying ...
Ach - I'm gutted. Worked at home this morning, but had to cycle into town to do some shopping.

And had nearly two miles of absolutely exemplary driving from a First Leeds bus driver --------- through a really nasty set of junctions; aware - and protective - of the cyclist in front of him; refused to overtake when given the chance. And spidey sense - this guy knew what the wind and the rain was doing to me.

Aye - but you can't see a thing on the video, cos of the rain. Deleted. :angry:

So you've got a much less optimistic (but realistic?) one :sad:


Über Member
Let's see what we get once it's finished copying ...


Only got the first half of the ride. Camera beeped and stopped recording at some point, and despite starting it recording again twice it never recorded anything. I need to have a word with Contour.

Missed recording a mostly lovely really fast straight ride home, after the disorganised unplanned ride out, going super fast with the heavy wind behind us that was lovely ... except for the LUNATIC in the Megane who rode INTO the cycle path and almost crushed me. I shouted the reg and everything, but have NO footage to report with.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
So I was off work today, so didn't do the usual commuting ride.

In hindsight, going for a ride with a mate, 4pm is NOT a good time to start!

Some TERRIBLE driving - people pulling stuff I have NEVER experienced on the roads before. Not sure I want to upload the footage!

Having said that, won't be easy to. This is the second time my contour had done a load of beeping mid recording, and I've ended up with corrupted footage. Either there's something wrong with my camera, or with the SD card. Of course I'm sure each will blame the other.

There should be two video files on my camera, only one is coming up in Storyteller, the other is a grey box. Let's see what we get once it's finished copying ...

Contact contour, i had that problem and they sorted it out (with the camera taking a trip to america)


That's the submission form up! :smile:

It's not perfectly laid out (I'm no html expert!), sorry about that, and appart from the video link entry it is voluntary, but if you do enter your information we might get some interesting results.

My morning ride was wet, but otherwise uneventful. My evening ride was dry and unfortunately had one idiot and one silly driver.

It'll probably take me a day or so to submit my video, but don't let that stop you! :biggrin:

mumbo jumbo

Senior Member
Had a day off and managed a 60 miler out in the wilds of Worcestershire. I prepared last night by charging the cam and deleting old footage so all set for the morning. Bloody windy! Just checked out the footage to discover that the first 50 minutes is of the kitchen wall
I blame the kids! That's the trouble with my Dogcam - it's virtually impossible to tell if it's on or not.

Anyway the ride was a 6/10. Several close passes among the very many exemplary passes, including a couple of patient waits before passing. Unfortunately the cam's memory had run out for the main incident of the day - a pass by an old lady on a blind corner which resulted in all 3 of us (her, me and oncoming van) taking evasive action.

I'll upload something in the next day or two.



North Yorkshire
Just uploading my footage now...

9 out of 10 ride for me...

No silly overtakes, no silly drivers and no silly cyclists - plus I took 7 minutes and 5 seconds off my last time for the same route; granted the last time I rode this route was a while ago, but all the same... :becool:

I'll fill in the submission form when my vid' has uploaded. :thumbsup:
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