Campsites - Keep away from the green patches of grass

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Legendary Member
Use an old water bottle, the advantage being that, having a close fitting lid, you can snuggle up to it like a hot water bottle.

Tim Hall

Years ago on a Scout expedition of some kind in the Lake District, we had various adult helpers along to assist the Young People in the map reading and getting lost. Some of these were not regular campers. It was a Dark and Stormy Night, so one such lady didn't want to get up, brave the rain and dash to the loo, so she improvised. Which her husband discovered when he went to put his boots on in the morning.
Get out the tent you lazy feckers.

I went camping this summer and at 4am awoke with the urge. Went out followed by an excited dog. Was peeing in the hedge when I noticed the dog over by another tent having a wee on the fly sheet. my silent gesturing had no effect until he'd finished. I felt obliged to get some water and go and pour it on the same spot.

I can just imagine someone lying half awake inside, thinking, oh it's raining again. Ah good it's stopped. Jeez, that's a heavy shower now. Oh it's stopped again. Then getting up the next morning to find there's been no rain at all.
...I was glad it rained in London the other day - the area around Trafalgar Square had become so stinky now that men seem to think it's ok to wee anywhere. No it's not! Especially in fine weather!

At the risk of getting all political, a lot of public lavs in central London were sold off as prime business real estate in the 80s. A quick hygienic slash was seen as so passe/post-war consensus
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Rural Kent
At the risk of getting all political, a lot of public lavs in central London were sold off as prime business real estate in the 80s. A quick hygienic slash was seen as so passe/post-war consensus
True! And I've always felt public lav provision was political. The whole disparity between number of loos for men/number of loos for women in public buildings is also an equal rights issue, although tbf I think it mostly came about because the architects/builders were blokes and never even thought about it (yeah, well, that's political too really!).

I do think the outdoor p*ssing thing is partly just a growing lack of inhibition about micturating in public - no thought for who else that space belongs to. I mean, they've most of them been in pubs, clubs or other places of entertainment where the loos are part of the deal. At least in grass the result is absorbed and biodegraded - in a town it just sort of glazes the surface and stays there unless it rains. Bleurgh.
There is something very macho, standing outside of the tent naked in the middle of the winter with snow on the ground, having a long pee, because of too many ale's earlier down the pub in the evening. And in the morning everyone knows you were too lazy to go far from the tent because of the yello drawings in the snow.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
An empty plastic bottle with a large opening (huge in my case). Innocent apple juice bottles like this. At least a litre capacity!

Call that huge? I use the small 2.3 litre pickle jars which only just meet my needs.

Low Roller

Low Roller

Well-Known Member
East Yorkshire
Call that huge? I use the small 2.3 litre pickle jars which only just meet my needs.


I've been thinking outside the jar, as it were, and have come up with a new prototype device for cycle camping. It can be used at night, for cooking and also as a cycle helmet. It has a handy vent that can be used to get an airflow when in cycle helmet mode or for securing your pony tail.

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