Can you class using an Electric bike as cycling

Would you regard using an electric bike as cycing ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 108 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 33 23.6%

  • Total voters
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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
If you can powere the thing without pedalling, and you do, most or all of the time, it's not cycling. If it's electric assist, and you do have to pedal, or you choose to only use it as such, then it's cycling...

They are very good for people with a dodgy hip or knee, who might be ok on the level, but struggle with a short sharp gradient, or anything too long, or people who may have days when they feel less well, and some when they feel better (lots of conditions are like that). And they have to be better than that person lugging 3 extra seats and a metal box around every time they go out...


How much does it cost to Oldham?
I wish I had one todayxx(


Senior Member
I saw an electric bike on my local market recently. It was £100 (not those fancy moped style ones though). I considered buying it, but after thinking it through, realised it's not for me. I don't want to start using it up hills, on the way back from rides, etc - where would it stop?

If I don't buy an electric bike, I'll be fitter (and richer if only £100) than if I did. Though I may change my mind one day.


Über Member
Over The Hill said:
Also are you not tempted to go home the same way as them and overtake them? I think I would be keen to do that.
I used to see an electric bike rider on my old commute. No problem dropping him on the flat but boy could he accelerate from standing at the lights!:biggrin:


Lover of things that come in 3's
I called it cycling but only if it can be pedalled, then it's up to the individual how much they pedal.

If it came to it abd you couldn't ride anymore, who would go for an alternative like this rather than a car?


dellzeqq said:
the poll is completely stupid. It only matters to the person on the bike. And 'woud'. FFS

Calm down Simon, it was a typo.

The guy who bought the wisper 905 was fairly frank in his expectations of the bike, but admitted that his fitness levels dictated a very heavy reliance on the motor to the point that he didn't turn a pedal some days on a 22 mile commute. He wasn't disappointed with the performance of the bike, but the extra weight meant that it isn't something he could ride any distance without the motor switched on.


dellzeqq said:
You are an idiot. Let's leave it at that.

Are you having a bad day ?


Secret Lemonade Drinker
WHO SAID YES??????????

Begone damn you, begone.

You'll be advocating mobility scooters as a viable transport medium for people who can't be arsed to walk to the shops next!!!

Oh, that already happens.


Über Member
I'm all for those electric assist bikes! I rode one, once, and was really impressed! Not for me, at this time, but I won't rule it out in the future.

Actually, I think we need TONS of these on the road! Maybe this is the answer to the automobile! Most of the fuel that we use, isn't used to haul's used to power a 3000 lb vehicle! I think it's pure WASTE when the mode of transportation outweighs the thing (person) that you want to transport! And cars take up so much space, whether driving, or parked.

I'll avoid going off the deep end, here, but, suffice it to say, that I'm ALL FOR getting people out of their cars and onto bikes, electric powered, or not!


threefingerjoe said:
I'm all for those electric assist bikes! I rode one, once, and was really impressed! Not for me, at this time, but I won't rule it out in the future.

Actually, I think we need TONS of these on the road! Maybe this is the answer to the automobile! Most of the fuel that we use, isn't used to haul's used to power a 3000 lb vehicle! I think it's pure WASTE when the mode of transportation outweighs the thing (person) that you want to transport! And cars take up so much space, whether driving, or parked.

I'll avoid going off the deep end, here, but, suffice it to say, that I'm ALL FOR getting people out of their cars and onto bikes, electric powered, or not!

Don't get me wrong. I think they are a very good idea for people who have mobility issues, for those who don't have the legs to commute 15 miles each way and don't want to use cars or motorcycles.

They certainly have a purpose, and are only going to grow in numbers as the technology improves.

I feel that they are firmly in between cycling and motorcycling, but could not be regarded as cycling if they can be ridden without any physical effort.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
very-near said:
I feel that they are firmly in between cycling and motorcycling, but could not be regarded as cycling if they can be ridden without any physical effort.

A small distinction, but no. They can't be considered cycling if they are never ridden without pedalling. Just because the option is there, doesn't mean people use it all the time. Ok, you've met someone who does that - plenty of people don't.

I'm with threefingerjoe on this.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Well, actually, I see a few of these round my way and I don't mind them. They've still got the not-too-fast, looks-kinda-like-a-bike vibe about them. Sooner share a cycle path with an electric bike than a 50cc scooter anyday.
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