Can You Tour On Any Bike?

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I've toured on just about every bike I've got. Provence on a Brompton, fixed, road bike, singlespeed, it's all doable. Of course, some things are more sensible than others, but nothing's impossible.

Tl; Dr - Yes.
Exactly what I've found. Brompton touring as in post #2 was in Provence (Mont Ventoux just out of shot). Yes, the limitations of a 3-speed Sturmey Archer IGH were a bit of a challenge some days but I have refined my set up over time and found the bike very comfortable and enjoyable to ride all day, even loaded.

I did not go up Ventoux -- but my partner did on his Mark II Bickerton!
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President of the 'Democratic Republic' of GOAB
Thank you for your contributions everyone. I've ordered a rear rack and some inexpensive panniers for the time being just to help me get used to extra weight on the bike. I'll probably be using the bike to commute to college in September so it made sense to have stuff prepared.

I've also planned a couple of charity rides in May and June and will be doing a short jaunt from the top of Kent down to a campsite in Sussex at the end of April. I really want to do LEJOG at some point. I may end up doing it on the Giant but if I enjoy touring I may try to purchase a dedicated touring bike.


Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
Couple of wintry nights in the Mendips. Does that count as a tour?
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