Cancelled through lack of interest

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Fair enough.

I think I am just a tight stereotypical Yorkshireman.
Me too, I even baulked at the Virgin Money Cyclone... all those sponsorship deals [with Virgin Money plastered everywhere as the main sponsor] and yet they wanted to charge £50 for a tandem! and none of that goes to their selected get a Virgin Money goodie bag and a tee-shirt with Virgin Money splashed over everything, and an on-line opportunity to buy the photos at some extortionate price. Grumble, grumble...

I suspect that Peter Harrison who has the unenviable job of organising it every year has to offset payments to the named entrants to entice them to turn up, but please note that's just my own speculation, I'd really love to be proved wrong about that.

I gave the entry fee to Crisis instead.... and MrsA_T and I go off on the tandem on our own- much more practical!
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South Tyneside
Durham should now organise their own Etape.

Charge £25 maximum and with the right route, experienced riders only, there is really no need to close the roads.
If you look at the Nottingham Bike Ride starting at the water sports centre(Radcliffe?), I think they get 10,000 +


Legendary Member
I think the Cape Argus is about £60 and then of course you've got hotel, flights, bike transport and a stack of other expenses but it's worth doing just once in your life for the craic and the stunning scenery.

I see the Etape du Pennines sportive has been cancelled through 'lack of interest'.

Seems to me the cycling boom of the last few years is largely illusory.

Yes, lots turn out for the Olympics and the Tour, but a lot of them are event spectators, not cyclists.

Nothing wrong with attending something just for the event - done it meself - but I don't think the numbers of people cycling regularly (outside London) have increased very much.

That's not all bad. The amount of squirrels on the roads should start to reduce, and I might find it easier to get the kit I need. The Sir Bradley effect is dissipating, people are starting to realise that cycling is not the cheapest hobby in the world, and the masses will hopefully bugger off and find someone else to annoy. :wahhey:
£61 quid?????????????????

Fark orf.


South Tyneside

So it was down towards 1000 riders when 2012 had over 3000. With the Pitlochry aiming for another 5000 next year I guess the sums did not add up, even at £70. 5.000 at £70 makes for £350,000 income before expenses.
Maybe October was better or simply people do not realise that that area can be as good as Scotland for scenery, just fewer eateries.
And theres not too many places in the UK where even the A roads can seem safe to cycle on.

Of all the areas I cycle to from Newcastle, Stanhope and its surroundings (Rookhope etc) cannot be beaten for continuous scenery, it being well worth the minimum of a 70 mile+ day ride.
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Sportives make me laugh. You pay a ridiculous price, to ride on public roads, and you get a 'medal' if you're lucky, for a route I'd call a warm up. Stupid is as stupid does.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Sportives make me laugh. You pay a ridiculous price, to ride on public roads, and you get a 'medal' if you're lucky, for a route I'd call a warm up. Stupid is as stupid does.
From me as a moderator: This is a forum for everyone - just because you think 60 miles plus is a warm up, doesn't mean everyone does.
Do try for a friendlier attitude, please!
From me as a moderator: This is a forum for everyone - just because you think 60 miles plus is a warm up, doesn't mean everyone does.
Do try for a friendlier attitude, please!
Fair enough, that did come across as a bit harsh. Chain yanking does bring out the worst in me.


Agree with the overpriced comment. Some of the sportives around here are £60 to £70. Sorry, I ain't paying that for a bike ride.

As far as cyclist numbers go, I would say I am definitely seeing more out and about though.
Me too...i was considering etape Caledonia but 70 notes....nah
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