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Secret Lemonade Drinker
You, me and maybe Patrick Stevens then.....


Full time tea drinker
Anyone else thought this thread was going to be about builders shouting at girls cycling/walking past...?
I did too. Young women on bikes used to get an earful. Now it seems to be more of a van to pavement thing, no doubt to prove they can still get the horn.


Über Member
I must be weird as it is me that jumps to order when the cat calls. He gets fed at 7 am and 4 pm and you could set your clock by that, so there's me up and out of bed to fill his bowl, so how do I get from here to having him ignore me when I call his name?
This is +1 from me ! they have me so well trained at around 6-30 am the little dears make thier way into the bedroom and procced to make me get up so that I can feed them only the very best and most expensive cat food ( oh yes I have tried to mix the cheap stuff in and well you must be bl**dy joking mate !! ) and then I have them winding themselves around me at 6-30 pm. for the tea time feed and as to coming to me in between these times if they could invert two claws !!!!!

king dick

Active Member
We cant all be cat lovers Fossy thrr
I see a certain poster is living up to his name. Funny how dogs shat every where too.


Corn Fed Hick...
Our cats are 18 and 19, they're both deaf, they start circling for food at about 3pm, dinner's at 5:30 sharp, calling not required.


Trundling along
Our lot come to a whistle and a call. Trouble is they respond to all the names and tell you they're there while you're still calling for the others. Gets quite noisy.


Legendary Member
My mum was once told by a vicar about the sad story of him moving into his new parish in a small country village, and the cat ran away, perhaps freaked by all the change. It still hadn't come back by nightfall, so he saw no option but to roam the streets, summoning it in the way they always did. So the first view most of his new flock got of their new vicar was an old feller wandering down the road in the dark, banging an empty tin of cat food and calling 'Whisky....whisky....whisky....'
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