Children of the 70's unite.........................

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Mopeds. On my 16th I went from my Elswick Hopper to 50mph, whaaaaaaaaah! :hyper: We didn't know how lucky we were to be 16 then, that "time" only lasted few short years.:sad: I had an FS1E, it was great, but what I really wanted was a Fantic Chopper.



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Girlies used to sing in the playground.
B, A!
B, A, Y!
B, A, Y, C, I, T, Y!
With an R O double L, E, R S!
Bay City Rollers are the best!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I remember growing up in Dublin ...
Hives, itchy as hell, if it wasn't hives it was scabies even itchier,
then there was nits everyone had them and the nit lotion which smelt for ages,
wearing underwear for who knows how many days, actually wearing the same clothes for ages,
washing once a week,
cardboard in shoes,
not having hot water in the summer,
the good room at the front of the house, only for visitors, no kids allowed,
cooking in lard
tapioca or frogs spawn as we called it
getting the ruler in school

Old Mr Haydock the English teacher used to hit us with the black board wiper.
And if he couldn't be arsed to cross the room to hit you with, it he would throw it at you. He had a good aim for an old fella.
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