Choosing GCSE's (for my daughter)

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Über Member
roadiewill said:
why take it?
We have to take 4 at AS. Why not take an 'easier' subject to do for one year.
economics is very respected btw though

I have a mate who does it. It annoys him that he can't do much with it, but then he's wierd.

All mine are easy though, I tried not to take anything which needs a definate answer as my mind doesn't function like that. ;)

If I remember rightly you got very high GCSE grades didn't you?


New Member
yeah I did ok
Im opposite to you, prefer subjects with clear answers/no waffle


Über Member
Yeah I am the opposite to everyone. I prefer subjects where I can inject my ideas into it, instead of a clear answer.


Listen you lot. Stop messing about and get back to your homework. In fact what are you doing on here at this time of night!?


Über Member
Noodley said:
Listen you lot. Stop messing about and get back to your homework. In fact what are you doing on here at this time of night!?

You tell them Noodley. :rolleyes:


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Noodley said:
Listen you lot. Stop messing about and get back to your homework. In fact what are you doing on here at this time of night!?

I did my homework on sunday, started it at 9, finished it at just after 1.
My homework was to find the track in Mansfield(Forest Town) and remember how to get there and back.
I rode there on a loop, and rode back(calling in at my GF's on the way home before she went to work) then spent my day relaxing:becool:
Homework is done


Resting in suspended Animation
Hmmm sounds a bit easy to me. Your homework should be to cycle along to the travelling salesman problem, until you can find an efficient algorithm.
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