Christmas Parties

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I was having a discussion with a younger member of staff, about the marketing team, who are endlessly going out for meals and events. The youngster thought this was a great role, but for me i couldn't think of anything worse than spending time away from family at events pretending to be nice to people you dislike. Usually drunk borish men, it is always the usual rent a mob crowd who turn up to these events.
Sales and marketing is not for me.


I put together our retirement do each year.This could be Christmas dinner 9 or it could be 10.Anyway it's not Wetherspoons this year.It is The Merchant a pub just outside of the Merrion Centre.I don't drink since i was really ill in 2012,gall bladder exploded but i always have a pint of Cola with a Jack Daniels dropped in it.It tastes very nice.


Cycling in the sun
I've just the one team meal to go to, but we get along fine for the most part and you just make sure you sit down away from those that are a bit harder work! (And the main pain left this last year)


It's a bit more complicated than that...
My working friends will no doubt be grumbling in January. In the meantime I can pick and choose.

Which reminds me. Isn't it about time someone proposed a meet-up?


Work gets in the way of my social life, I certainly don't intend to spend extra time there voluntarily. Staff party this year consists of the school hall, buffet provided by school caterers, bring your own booze (which most people won't be able to drink due to the need to get home afterwards) and £15 for the privilege. I'd rather cut my own leg off with a rusty saw!
The few colleagues I consider actual friends, I meet up with out of school anyway.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I have turned down all four invites so far. I spend enough time with my colleagues and not enough at home or with my local friends.


Legendary Member
Just got the invite to our company do, a small shindig of about 2000 people. I only just started here last month so I feel the need to go, but with events this size the chances of actually seeing anyone you work with are slim. The wife and I may go, grab as much free booze and food as we can and then disappear up to a hotel room the company has provided at a discount rate.
My last company booked the whole local national history museum for xmas. It was kinda cool going to a bar positioned under a T.Rex and having free reign to wander around the entire museum.


Midlands UK
Every year my colleague arranges a do and every year people complain-we stopped going a long time ago. This year some are going into town for beer and curry, boring :tired: Most of the people we work with I have no desire to socialise with.


I was pretty much the social secretary for Halfords, and our xmas do was always a good night, I'm going to miss it this year.
The dealership I'm at now have booked a meal at a fairly posh (for Carlisle ;)) restaurant and will foot the bill - which means pretty much everyone will go. I'm looking forward to it as I think you see a very different side of your colleagues when you socialise with them - but then I'm fortunate to work with people I enjoy spending time with. well, not all of them, but the odd one can be ignored.
The downside is that it's well out of town and the taxi will be extortionate.
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