(Clearly Un)Notable Wheel Differences

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Senior Member
In answer to your question, yes their a differance in wheels and tyres as regards performance. Climbing i see big differences in wheels. Who cares about all this stuff about flex and a sheet of paper and references to cars and trying to prove something by telling us all the engineering side of wheels it's what they feel like and perform like that matters, no two riders are going to get the same out of a bike or set of wheels to the degree that you can measure it.


Thanks for the responses everyone. :smile:

Genuinely interested in the real world experiences mentioned. Interesting that the reviews quoted seem to match up to some of the experiences mentioned in this thread.


As ever, if they make you feel good, what's not to like?
That was pretty much what I was trying to get across. I enjoy both sets and was genuinely surprised to notice the nuances between the two.

There's nothing negative in either way, aside from wishing I could keep the top end speed of the Quattro's, with the other attributes of the Zonda's. But sadly, we can't have everything in life, as we all know.
Loch side.
I have four bottles of London Pride and four bottles of Old Speckled Hen. The comparison is interesting: sometimes when I count the Pride bottles I get to 3 and occasionally when I count the Hen bottles I get five, so my opinion is that the Hen is better value for money and goes further. This is my opinion based on my actual experience therefore it is valid, and your theoretical arguments about "maths" or "science" are just stuff you've found on the internet.

I can't argue with science nor inebriation.

Alan O

Über Member
I know nothing about modern wheels, so please take my comments as the ramblings of an old man stuck in the past (with modestly-priced alloy wheels that do the only things I want of them, going round smoothly and stopping when I ask them to).

In the past I was a bit of a hi-fi buff, and I built my own amplifiers and active crossovers and put together my own active speaker systems. And I got what I think were fantastic sounds at very modest prices. But the high-end hi-fi world was awash with pseudo-religious tripe, with high-profile reviewers insisting they could hear minute differences when using even different mains leads (I kid you not) - "the third player in the second violins sounds a bit off-key with this lead", honestly, crap of those proportions.

Few of these pretentious experts would ever submit themselves to blind tests, and those few who did failed miserably when they were actually tested - and we heard all the same nonsense that's turfed out by woo-woo freaks the world over (It's different in my listening room, I didn't have time to acclimatize to the unfamiliar vibrations... etc).

I even remember once listening to a high-end system in a vendor's listening room, and after a while I asked if they could swap out the speakers for me to listen to another pair. "Oh no!" came the horrified response, "Everyone knows you have to leave all the equipment for several hours to settle down before you can change anything." My wife and I own some buffalo, and they poo more sense than that.

Why am I telling you all this?

When I read of pundits proclaiming that a pair of bicycle wheels "punch into acceleration and maintain momentum on steep climbs", or whatever, my bullcrap alarm honed through years of woo-woo experience in other areas goes off with the dial turned up to 11.


Dan B

Disengaged member
I know nothing about modern wheels, so please take my comments as the ramblings of an old man stuck in the past (with modestly-priced alloy wheels that do the only things I want of them, going round smoothly and stopping when I ask them to).

Have you tried colouring in the rims with a green marker pen (obviously, don't get any on the braking surface)? It will help balance them

booze and cake

probably out cycling
Quite right too, it was a baseless and scurrilous ad-hominem. We have standards here, you know ;)

Ha, so in a thread where they have already called the OP a bullshi**er, a fantasist and one post as a desperate conspiracy theory, when its pointed out that their delivery is somewhat like Waldorf and Statler (and they both have previous in behaving exactly like this in many other threads), ie rude and condescending, they all of a sudden become a terribly sensitive flower and get all offended. They also regularly repeatedly hound people for answers and explanations and when asked a simple question totally ignore it. So they love dishing it out but can't take it, weak.

You Muppet.

And I even bit my tongue and did'nt use this reference, despite the glaringly obvious opportunity to do so:whistle:

Tim Hall

<wheels> blah blah <hi fi> blah blah <stuff>

My wife and I own some buffalo.

Wow. Just the best throwaway line.


Senior Member
I know nothing about modern wheels, so please take my comments as the ramblings of an old man stuck in the past (with modestly-priced alloy wheels that do the only things I want of them, going round smoothly and stopping when I ask them to).

In the past I was a bit of a hi-fi buff, and I built my own amplifiers and active crossovers and put together my own active speaker systems. And I got what I think were fantastic sounds at very modest prices. But the high-end hi-fi world was awash with pseudo-religious tripe, with high-profile reviewers insisting they could hear minute differences when using even different mains leads (I kid you not) - "the third player in the second violins sounds a bit off-key with this lead", honestly, crap of those proportions.

Few of these pretentious experts would ever submit themselves to blind tests, and those few who did failed miserably when they were actually tested - and we heard all the same nonsense that's turfed out by woo-woo freaks the world over (It's different in my listening room, I didn't have time to acclimatize to the unfamiliar vibrations... etc).

I even remember once listening to a high-end system in a vendor's listening room, and after a while I asked if they could swap out the speakers for me to listen to another pair. "Oh no!" came the horrified response, "Everyone knows you have to leave all the equipment for several hours to settle down before you can change anything." My wife and I own some buffalo, and they poo more sense than that.

Why am I telling you all this?

When I read of pundits proclaiming that a pair of bicycle wheels "punch into acceleration and maintain momentum on steep climbs", or whatever, my bullcrap alarm honed through years of woo-woo experience in other areas goes off with the dial turned up to 11.



Senior Member
I know nothing about modern wheels, so please take my comments as the ramblings of an old man stuck in the past (with modestly-priced alloy wheels that do the only things I want of them, going round smoothly and stopping when I ask them to).

In the past I was a bit of a hi-fi buff, and I built my own amplifiers and active crossovers and put together my own active speaker systems. And I got what I think were fantastic sounds at very modest prices. But the high-end hi-fi world was awash with pseudo-religious tripe, with high-profile reviewers insisting they could hear minute differences when using even different mains leads (I kid you not) - "the third player in the second violins sounds a bit off-key with this lead", honestly, crap of those proportions.

Few of these pretentious experts would ever submit themselves to blind tests, and those few who did failed miserably when they were actually tested - and we heard all the same nonsense that's turfed out by woo-woo freaks the world over (It's different in my listening room, I didn't have time to acclimatize to the unfamiliar vibrations... etc).

I even remember once listening to a high-end system in a vendor's listening room, and after a while I asked if they could swap out the speakers for me to listen to another pair. "Oh no!" came the horrified response, "Everyone knows you have to leave all the equipment for several hours to settle down before you can change anything." My wife and I own some buffalo, and they poo more sense than that.

Why am I telling you all this?

When I read of pundits proclaiming that a pair of bicycle wheels "punch into acceleration and maintain momentum on steep climbs", or whatever, my bullcrap alarm honed through years of woo-woo experience in other areas goes off with the dial turned up to 11.

Well of course your entitled to your opinion


Senior Member
Wheels ride differently, end of, you can discuss it all you want and compare it to a hi- fi, which actually you are also wrong about theirs a differance in sound quality between systems, but back to wheels who's interested in the science other than people who spend more time reading up on facts and numbers than actually riding the things, ride enough you can tell instantly the differences
Loch side.
Wheels ride differently, end of, you can discuss it all you want and compare it to a hi- fi, which actually you are also wrong about theirs a differance in sound quality between systems, but back to wheels who's interested in the science other than people who spend more time reading up on facts and numbers than actually riding the things, ride enough you can tell instantly the differences

I think you've just revealed your true colours. Screw the facts. Let's do astrology.

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Wheels ride differently, end of, you can discuss it all you want and compare it to a hi- fi, which actually you are also wrong about theirs a differance in sound quality between systems, but back to wheels who's interested in the science other than people who spend more time reading up on facts and numbers than actually riding the things, ride enough you can tell instantly the differences
He didn't say there was no difference in quality between systems. He was quoting the bollocks somebody told him about a more expensive mains lead giving superior sound quality.
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