Coaching for getting back into road

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Über Member
Sale, Manchester
Hi all

I am struggling to do much beyond commuting at present. Wondering if anyone knows of a cycle coach/personal trainer type person in the Manchester area who could help get me out there doing longer rides again? Just think I need a bit of assistance...



Legendary Member
Yes, it's called a cycling buddy and a good one who shares the same level of fitness and the same interests is worth their weight in gold. It helps also if they are of a similar age and have the same work/family/leisure timings as you.

I suggest you join a club. Where are you based?


Rural Quebec
If you can watch some cyclocross racing on your computer try that Juan or anything with Pieter Sagan in it as I find him an inspirational rider.


Legendary Member
Thanks Globalti but not what I asked! Am a former member of Seamons CC so they are there for when I get fitter.

Can you only go out with the club when you are fit? we have many members who got the spelling wrong and are fat rather than fit, but they still have rides with their mates.
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