Collision with car reversing off of driveway

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Legendary Member
I'm a couple of months in with liability accepted by driver within a week of claim being filed. First offer rejected, expert doctor appointment in a month, then hopefully will settle quite soon. Although I am quite early into the physio process (not helped by having a dodgy knee on the same leg)

The police aren't prosecuting (rightly so)
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
Fortunately I'll be happy with them just accepting liability, getting my costs back and the claim going on the drivers record. Any personal injury settlement I'll see as a bonus. My back has still been giving me some gip since the accident - still tender and has a tendency to go into spasm. I've got a GP appointment tomorrow although I'm not expecting too much. Leigh Day have said if I need physio that I can contact them as they might be able to arrange it privately. But I haven't lost out financially, fortunately (I can still work).

Glad to hear you're on the mend.


Legendary Member
Leigh Day had a physio service contact me, I am already using the hospital one which Bupa are covering. Definitely have physio if still having an issue. If you do go down the PI route, they'll also arrange for you to see an independent doctor, probably a private GP in your case (I am seeing an orthopaedic surgeon given how complicated my 'bruised' leg ended up being)

It's a slow old process unfortunately, still got a lump and discolouration and intermittent pain


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
And in my case liability was admitted within 6 weeks, payment for bike damage etc within 3 months. Shame my shoulder got wrecked. Touch wood, it's OK now after £3k of physio, 1 operation, and numerous steroid injections into my back and trapezius. That's what delayed the case.


Legendary Member
I've had the operation, so hopefully it'll recover soon. Having bupa helps, their claim is part of mine but separate if that makes sense as I am not paying out of pocket, other than the premiums of course!
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
Leigh Day had a physio service contact me, I am already using the hospital one which Bupa are covering. Definitely have physio if still having an issue. If you do go down the PI route, they'll also arrange for you to see an independent doctor, probably a private GP in your case (I am seeing an orthopaedic surgeon given how complicated my 'bruised' leg ended up being)

Well funny you should say that...I saw my GP last night who advised its probably just a back sprain, but Leigh Day have arranged both a physio appointment and private GP appointment. I've got the physio next week (can't see me needing more than 1 or 2 sessions TBH) and the private GP appointment the week after.


Legendary Member
And in my case liability was admitted within 6 weeks, payment for bike damage etc within 3 months. Shame my shoulder got wrecked. Touch wood, it's OK now after £3k of physio, 1 operation, and numerous steroid injections into my back and trapezius. That's what delayed the case.

So, if i read your posts correctly, any liability was admitted promptly, bike etc payout too but until your medics were able to quantify the medical outcome for you, you were not able to quantify your damages claim?

pretty much like mine, bike replaced as soon as I needed it (unable to ride for a few months) and medical damages agreed and paid immediately I was able to tell my solicitor (CTC) to go ahead - payment being on a full and final basis, so until my prognosis was clear it would not have been wise to sign off. Had i had out of pocket medical bills rather than BUPA, interim costs would have been paid by the drivers's insurance, they having admitted full liability.


Legendary Member
So, if i read your posts correctly, any liability was admitted promptly, bike etc payout too but until your medics were able to quantify the medical outcome for you, you were not able to quantify your damages claim?

pretty much like mine, bike replaced as soon as I needed it (unable to ride for a few months) and medical damages agreed and paid immediately I was able to tell my solicitor (CTC) to go ahead - payment being on a full and final basis, so until my prognosis was clear it would not have been wise to sign off. Had i had out of pocket medical bills rather than BUPA, interim costs would have been paid by the drivers's insurance, they having admitted full liability.

I have a nasty feeling mine may run and run too. 6-8 weeks for them to gather my notes from 3 different hospitals, 2 large nhs teaching places plus gp.

BUPA's bill will be horrific for me with the operation!
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Legendary Member
I have a nasty feeling mine may run and run too. 6-8 weeks for them to gather my notes from 3 different hospitals, 2 large nhs teaching places plus gp.

BUPA's bill will be horrific for me with the operation!

mine was done and dusted in 8/9 months, would have been shorter but the back issue was only resolved by specialist sports physio*.

* comment from sports physio, "you should have come to see me after a week not 3 months, you would be back on the bike now. But we are where we are...".
I had not been, cos i wasted the time seeing a very competent NHS physio who had different criteria and priorities.


Legendary Member
I got treated reasonably quickly, yes an operation a week earlier would have saved me excruciating pain at times and the infection but there was no way I could have done it with the new jobs. The medics I saw said it would all reabsorb in a few months. My surgeon was not of this opinion but it took nearly 2 weeks to see him unfortunately
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
So, another update...a positive one!

The driver's insurer have admitted liability and offered a pre-medical settlement in the low four figures! I must admit, I'm surprised and its higher than I was expecting. It seems reasonable to me, but on Leigh Day's advice I won't be accepting it yet as they have advised waiting to see the private GP and see how the physio treatment goes just in case it turns out to be something more serious.

This was never about money for me (other than my costs) however I'm glad that they've admitted liability and I really hope the driver learns a lesson from this.


Legendary Member
My initial offer was the lowest four figure there is and frankly not even considered as my loss of earnings and costs were double that! My specialist appointment is in a couple of weeks. Hopefully then things can move forwards
Luke Redpath

Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
My initial offer was the lowest four figure there is and frankly not even considered as my loss of earnings and costs were double that! My specialist appointment is in a couple of weeks. Hopefully then things can move forwards

Wow, given the severity of your injuries compared to mine (and I've not lost any earnings), then either my offer is incredibly generous or your offer was pretty insulting (the latter I suspect). Good luck!
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