comfort breaks while on long rides?

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When I was younger I could easily ride 4 hours or so without the need for a comfort break, these days however depending on the weather I often find myself searching for a discrete hedge or similar.

This didn't seem to bother the olympic road race boys

However I was wondering what's the story on longer sportives? I've done a few and nearly always managed to either find a suitable public loo, or at worst hopped behind a hedge, but that latter is probably against the law, and as I'm fortunate enough to have a place in the fortchoming Ride London 100 I was thinking it may be rather crowded and there won't be that many hedges/trees etc. I suppose I could wait until Box Hill and have a high level pee.


Senior Member
With careful liquid intake, I can ride a 100 Audax without the need.
Its usually coffee that make me pee.
Nearest bush does me, if there isnt a public (or private e.g. Pub) loo near me. Had a few No 2's as well when I've had too although on those occasions I bury the spoil.

Its a health thing, you can and will do damage over time if you keep 'holding it'.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago I was out on a day long ( horse) ride. I was absolutely busting, so I got off my horse and squatted down to pee in a kale field. A friend held my horse and we aimed to quickly catch up with the rest of the group. However, someone in 'the group' thought I'd crashed out and fifty or so people (many who knew me) came galloping back to my aid. I've never quite gotten over it.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Sportives usually have loos at the feeds. TBH I dont usually need to go but remember riding the Cheshire Cat a few years ago and we were waiting over an hour to start on a chilly morning. First feed toilet queue.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
In France that is the law usually in full view, never mind behind anything :ohmy:
This is the law of nature, when it has to be done, it has to be done. That's what trees are for.


Über Member
I must admit the water going in rarely gets to my bladder, its leaked out well before.
my main 'comfort break' is getting my arse off the saddle - oooooh -
When I go camping or on long walks I always pack a trowel. - you don't need a shovel/entrenching tool - how big a hole are you going to dig! .

you got to just take the attitude - yea we all do it, if you don't like it don't look.


Well-Known Member
It's been building up in your bladder all along, but while you are distracted by cycling your brain ignores the urge. Once you stop, the diversion is gone and the physical need to micturate moves up the brain's list of priorities. Look up Maslow's hierarchy of needs if you want to be a geek.

By the way. Here is a telling off for not drinking enough. You place yourself at higher risk of urinary infections/kidney stones and even collapse from loss of fluids/electrolytes, if you exert yourself over an extended period. Keeping hydrated is really important and ironically we lose more body fluid in extreme cold than when it's hot.

I had better shut up now.

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
If you are ever in Suffolk and pass another cyclist loudly whistling the opening bars of Cheek to Cheek (Lyrics: Heaven. I'm in heaven.), that will be me and now you will know why. (Oh, and this may come under the heading Too Much Information, but I once had a radiologist exclaim 'Wow! What a bladder!' So I have to time my comfort breaks accordingly. Just make sure you don't stumble upon me a couple of minutes before I start whistling. :smile: )
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