comfort breaks while on long rides?

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Openly Marxist
You need a shee-wee

That's a TMN to TMN!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
One of these usually comes in helpful:



Trees and bushes are fine for passing urine (for us fellas) bit as a sufferer from IBS it is the other end that can become a real problem.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Oxford park & ride car park hedge. Sorry but I had no choice in the matter.
I have to confess that anything under the 35 mile mark rarely need me to stop for a comfort break. My OH on the otherhand will stop 3 or 4 times in that space of time and finds trees rather useful. We did toy with re-naming our journal to "scent marking our way around the world" because of the number of comfort breaks he requires.

I do remember one rather embarrassing moment on tour though when I did need a comfort break and in the absense of all trees/walls/hedgerows had to use some low lying bushes for cover. the sort of bushes that are up to your knees nothing more. Believing it to be clear, I did the pull shorts down & squat in 1 movement :blush: . This was followed by the squealing of car tyres and a lot of dirt being thrown up into the air. A car ran off the road - they did recover, so no harm done, but the really embarrassing part is the country we were in at the time - Sweden. Of all the countries we passed through (possible the wrong phrase) Sweden is the last country I would have thought this would have happened in. My OH makes sure he mentions it at regular intervals.


Well-Known Member
I have to confess that anything under the 35 mile mark rarely need me to stop for a comfort break. My OH on the otherhand will stop 3 or 4 times in that space of time and finds trees rather useful. We did toy with re-naming our journal to "scent marking our way around the world" because of the number of comfort breaks he requires.

I do remember one rather embarrassing moment on tour though when I did need a comfort break and in the absense of all trees/walls/hedgerows had to use some low lying bushes for cover. the sort of bushes that are up to your knees nothing more. Believing it to be clear, I did the pull shorts down & squat in 1 movement :blush: . This was followed by the squealing of car tyres and a lot of dirt being thrown up into the air. A car ran off the road - they did recover, so no harm done, but the really embarrassing part is the country we were in at the time - Sweden. Of all the countries we passed through (possible the wrong phrase) Sweden is the last country I would have thought this would have happened in. My OH makes sure he mentions it at regular intervals.
You must have a beautiful bum!


West Somerset
On holiday in Shropshire last year, we were walking over the Stiperstones and there was no way I was going to make it down to the village so told everyone I'd catch them up. The hill was deserted but, as you'd expect, just as I got comfortable, someone came along the path in the one direction where I had no cover. Pelvic floor exercises - absolutely worth it :thumbsup:
When I was younger I could easily ride 4 hours or so without the need for a comfort break, these days however depending on the weather I often find myself searching for a discrete hedge or similar.

This didn't seem to bother the olympic road race boys

However I was wondering what's the story on longer sportives? I've done a few and nearly always managed to either find a suitable public loo, or at worst hopped behind a hedge, but that latter is probably against the law, and as I'm fortunate enough to have a place in the fortchoming Ride London 100 I was thinking it may be rather crowded and there won't be that many hedges/trees etc. I suppose I could wait until Box Hill and have a high level pee.

If a horse can drop a load on the road legally then why cant humans answer the call of nature in a bush? Basic human needs aswell as rights.

I got caught short on the way up to the summit of snowdon once. I went behind a rock to relieve myself and just as I was finishing, the mountain train completely full of people suddenly appeared from around a bend. It felt comical aswell as embarrassing tbh. Never had much trouble when cycling.
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