Conactless credit cards....forward or backward step?

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Lover of things that come in 3's
Every transaction I do with my Amex pops on my my iPhone so I'll know instantly if something was amiss.

What if your phone was stolen?

Tin Pot

It's very split on both sides actually: 47% of under-55 customers said contactless was their preferred payment method (YouGov "Millenials and Banking" Oct 2016), compared to 34% for over-55s, while 48% of people said they never use contactless (Juniper Research "Consumer Attitudes to Mobile Banking & Contactless Payments: UK" Sep 2017).

I think industry likes the lower transaction costs that banks offer for it and not having to handle so much cash or cheques, but not the slightly-worse-for-them payment terms.
Fair play, but thats not demand in my book. No consumer was banging on the door of their bank demanding contactless payments because they can't live with cash and chip&pin anymore.

On the other hand; Retail industry wants to save effort handling cash, and encourage people to spend. Retail banks don't want to handle cash either, they want to close branches and ATMs to focus on their core business - debt interest. Corporate banking wants their retail clients to have higher revenue.
What if you hadn't realised either was missing, or is the phone surgically attached?
Then I'd get the bank to reimburse my £300. It is unlikely both would be stolen for a long period without me knowing. And to be brutally frank, £300 is not something that I'd spend much time worrying over considering the other potential losses that I can have both personally and in business.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Fair play, but thats not demand in my book. No consumer was banging on the door of their bank demanding contactless payments because they can't live with cash and chip&pin anymore.
Not exactly banging on the door, but I doubt I was the only person to get a new card early so I could use contactless instead of continue farting around with the likes of Oyster top-ups.
What is this mystical card you all speak of? No contactless credit cards over here, heck we only got chips in cards about 2 years ago and we're still waiting for the PIN. (CHIP and Signature seems to the norm for most cards in the US).

It makes it fun when traveling to the UK to see family, to use credit card technology that's almost a decade behind everyone else. Ooh the folks in the queue behind me a Tesco one time, back in 2015, had so much fun waiting five minutes for the checkout person work out how I was going to pay with a card that had no chip in it.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Then I'd get the bank to reimburse my £300. It is unlikely both would be stolen for a long period without me knowing. And to be brutally frank, £300 is not something that I'd spend much time worrying over considering the other potential losses that I can have both personally and in business.

Darn I'm sorry DoubleM, the £300 potential loss never crossed my mind, I should have made that clear. I was more thinking along the lines of separation anxiety re the phone...but you know me, I find it hard to use the I word.
Darn I'm sorry DoubleM, the £300 potential loss never crossed my mind, I should have made that clear. I was more thinking along the lines of separation anxiety re the phone...but you know me, I find it hard to use the I word.
That's fine. You can call it the X when it gets delivered in a couple of weeks:okay:
Tap your card on the machine and it pays without pin up to £30. Same amount with your phone if set up, but you can also pay up to £100 if your phone is unlocked.
Cheers. I do see a number of people starting to use smartphone/watch payment apps and I've read the banks prefer this approach as it doesn't cost them anything to implement.
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