cooking, fruit and size

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I sometimes have great difficulty following you people. @User9609 posts a stunning photo and all you can talk about is his crockery and cakes.




Smash the cistern
I do pretty well much the same with jackets if I'm pressed for time. Microwave is usually pressed into service to warm up leftovers or defrost stuff.

Otherwise a good way to speed up jackets without using a microwave is to take a bunch of metal kebab skewers, stick one through each potato lengthways before wanging in the oven. Saw that on one of the Nigella progs many moons ago.
Nigella? Pah! My mother taught me to do that 30 years ago.

Mr Celine

I sometimes have great difficulty following you people. @User9609 posts a stunning photo and all you can talk about is his crockery and cakes.


View attachment 338565

It's not quite as nice as it looks. Although unclassified it's the road all the locals use. It's very straight with continual blind summits which everyone takes far too fast.* I reckoned the safest way to cycle it was to get to the point where the view behind was disappearing and then sprint over the crests.

A way of cycling that's likely to lead to a cake habit.....

*This may include me when out that way for work.
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[QUOTE 4689271, member: 9609"]...... I just get chased out of the kitchen so never see how its done, but it is obviously more difficult than I thought....[/QUOTE]
Here's one for you, @User9609. Impress your other half - but DON'T tell her the recipe. :tongue:

Really easy, if you prepare properly - like get a can of Black Beans, and a bar of GOOD dark chocolate (essential!). Forget the vanilla pod - t'ain't essential.

Made it at Christmas time - and it was goooooooooooood!


Smash the cistern
But does your mother have... no, I won't go there.
Careful, there's new rules. Disrespect my mother and I'll grass you up to the mods.


Here's one for you, @User9609. Impress your other half - but DON'T tell her the recipe. :tongue:

Really easy, if you prepare properly - like get a can of Black Beans, and a bar of GOOD dark chocolate (essential!). Forget the vanilla pod - t'ain't essential.

Made it at Christmas time - and it was goooooooooooood!

That is quite close to the chilli recipe I do - using black beans and 80% dark chocolate. I wouldn't use a whole bar though.
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