Council claims 'trench-like' pothole that likely killed cyclist "closed and opened" on its own

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A coroner has rubbished claims by a council that a pothole which likely caused the death of an 84-year-old cyclist "closed and opened" on its own.
Trench-like' pothole running for 87m 1st seen on google street view in 2009. Sept 2022 highways safety inspector visited site and didn't notice the pothole.
When asked during the inquest how he could have missed it, Treen said: "I didn't miss it, it must have been repaired. He then suggested the crack must have "closed up on its own".

So sad and totally preventable for the want of a bit of care and attention.
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Imagine getting to 84 and still being able to get out on the bike only for that to happen.

The no user who came up with that excuse should be...........Well, best not say.


I was thinking about this as I rode into work this morning, someone really needs to lose their job over this fatal & motorcentric neglect. But I daresay that will not happen.

Should be seen as equal to corporate manslaughter, or clinical negligence.


Legendary Member
How very sad and entirely preventable.
The issue is all these are looked at / inspected with danger to vehicles only in mind. I regularly report a run of potholes on a country lane that are awful on bike, they occasionally get the odd bit patched, but the fill that hole site or whatever its called get comments like inspected and not dangerous added to it.


Stubborn git
That's awful. We should all do more to report dangerous roads.
It only takes a minute or two after a ride.

It's not something i've really done before but reporting via fix my street or whatever it's called has meant the road was repaired in a day or two


Über Member
That's awful. We should all do more to report dangerous roads.
It only takes a minute or two after a ride.

Reports I've made to Cambridge CC are regularly closed, example below:-
Description of fault: Lots of potholes It's like a slalom course if driving a car along this road. I hope the motorcyclists and cyclists are able to avoid these, otherwise they will end up in hospital. This road has been terrible since last Year.Do you not care? You have a legal duty to maintain the road, and you state it on your website.
And their response:-
Your report will be assessed within 10 working days and you will receive further updates as appropriate.

I've received no updates


Über Member
And another.......
Here's the report I made recently
Subsidence of road outside Monsal works Somersham Road. I note this was first reported 9/9/2022 therefore OVER A YEAR AGO. Why has it not been fixed? Some motorists are (understandably) moving over the carriageway to avoid the hazard - Will it take a head-on fatal collision before you fix the road?
And their response
This area already has repair works planned. I am awaiting costs to be returened from our contractor and this will be programmed in for carriageway patching.
And my reply

Dear Joe,

Thanks for your reply. Does it usually take over a year to get work planned or have you been unusually lax on this repair? I suspect you will be claiming the Winter weather has given problems and you are unable to repair it until next year….. and so the problems are ongoing. Maybe some need to lose their jobs within your department? Why, when you state on your website that you welcome reports from members of the public, do you ignore them for over a year? If members of the public suffer loss due to your lack of action (ie. Not repairing the defects they have reported) do you then use the claim you inspect the roads and repair within a ‘reasonable time’. One day you and your staff will be in court on a Corporate Manslaughter charge! Will that focus your attention?

Your considered response will be appreciated.
And here's his response:-
Good Morning,

Thank you for your email.

All defects are managed in accordance with our highways operational standards (HOS). In this case the immidiate action was to make safe with warning signs advising highway users of an uneven road surface.

Further action is prioritised along with all other works within the county, taking into account the severity of the defect and the class of road it is on.

Works have now been ordered for this repair and will be completed within 3 months. This timescale is a maximum and is to allow for planning of the works, traffic management permits and the aqusition of utility stats that are required to complete the job safely.
it beggars belief that they consider this to be an acceptable service. I will be terrible saddened to hear of a tragic accident, but will be providing my evidence as loudly as possible if it happens.


Well-Known Member
Live only a few miles away from where the gentleman sadly lost his life and know exactly where the accident happened. I actually used to race a TT along that stretch of road, unfortunately the course has been disbanded because of the terrible state of it. The main trouble is (and I’m not trying to make excuses for the council for their complete ineptitude in this case) is that the roads around there are built on moss and peat land so because of the weight of traffic it eventually sinks, causing the huge cracks running parallel along the road which unfortunately the gentleman’s front wheel fell into. The state of the roads around where I live are absolutely shocking (just like anywhere else in this country) The trouble is even though the potholes get reported most never get fixed. A cycling friend of mine was talking to a local parish councillor about this and she (unofficially) gave the answer. A lot of the money set aside for pothole repair work has been siphoned off to pay for a new bypass nearby that has gone massively over budget :cursing:
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