Eighteen months after developing some fairly worrying health problems and going through a raft of tests, throughout which I had to maintain my previous eating habits, I've just been given permission to try an elimination diet. I decided to pay for a blood antibody test to identify the precise foods that might be causing a problem. The results came back and the culprits turned out to be the usual suspects but also included a couple of surprises. Some of which are regularly used in foodstuffs that are designed to replace those that people are commonly intolerant to. I'm still finding my way through what I can and can't eat but within two weeks the difference to my health is amazing and I would have been screwed if I hadn't known the specific foods that caused my problems. I would have still been deteriorating despite thinking I had eliminated problem foodstuffs and the cause of my problems must lie elsewhere. Also, the test has equipped me with a list of foods that I know I can enjoy without worry which makes giving up the others a little easier. I can PM you the details if you're interested and it isn't a route you've already been down.