Cycle shorts and.......erm......bits 'n pieces.

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Why do i sense that you like this thread, rather too much

I just think it's very funny, that people extol the advantages of lycra, then complain about and how they look when not on they're bikes. That's life I'm afraid. You can't have everything peteaud, but I can have a laugh.:giggle:
This thread has made me :laugh:


Über Member
There's a serious side to this, as an Ex-President of Aberdeen Astronomical Society I'm expected to give talks on the cosmos and things to see above Aberdeen, but I've got to get some miles in… so I've taken to cycling to talks. So, I'll wear the full lycra getup, but what to do at the show? Well I found a very compactly packing overtrouser which can serve double duty as yuk weather protection and still be smartish for an astro talk without causing any coronaries for the front row. So, so long as your lycra shorts are comfy while cycling, carrying 150g of overtrouser is a sensible option to maintain your modesty.


It's a little difficult to approach this thread with the necessary gravitas and well reasoned argument it requires when the OP hasn't accompanied his opening remarks with visual confirmation in the form of a photograph.

Only then will we be able to treat this thread with the respect it obviously deserves.:eek:

:smile: I've given this all the consideration it deserves (half a millisecond), and decided against it. Thanks for the suggestion. :smile:


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Finally! A serious answer... and from a man who is normally more used to looking up, not down... and living where he does can't be that used to wearing shorts...:smile:

Right, getting back to the general air of smuttiness.. the floor is yours....


Bird Saviour
But then there would be camel questions

say "no" to camel toe!
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