Cycle speedway

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My son used to compete in cycle speedway up until last year.

He's given it up now as the club have stopped doing training/races at the track near to where we live and it's difficult to get him to the track across the city without a car.
Still a busy one in Hull.
Indeed there is LINK
Or if you fancy something a bit different theres bicycle polo too.
Think the guy who runs East Coast Bicycles has something to do with one of them. He runs weekly singlespeed/fixed rides ending up (naturally) in a pub - Pave on Princess Ave.
@screenman There used to be a few in Hull in the 1970's when I was a teenager, where is the one that's still going? Near Beverly flyover?


Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Likewise in Halifax the Halifax Dukes at the Shay .In my post above I mentioned Blue Peter and I seem to recall Ivan Mauger on that programme with a fully gold plater speedway bike commemorating
his winning the World Champs
Now we're giving our ages away .... I remember it too!
5 years ago I looked at speedway basically because it was different, on my commute route and I thought the older guys didn't look that quick. Never did it though.
The most local to me would be East London speedway Club near Canning Town. I wonder if they get anyone visiting because their location map on the website is showing the wrong recreation ground ( poplar) when the address is actually Canning Town recreation ground.
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