Cycling on an evening in a the city centre - how to deal with aggressive men

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New Member
HI All,
I have just got into commuting by bike and love it. I do not go in to the city centre very often on an evening but every time I have been exposed to aggressive behaviour from men. Last night being the most recent where a man was challenging me to ride at him and swore at me profuesley. I was riding on the road.He was crossing the road and saw me coming and then started straight for me with open arms shouting 'come on bike comone on'. I did not come up on him suddenly. I have also had a man purposely jump across my path and then back in from of me making me stop abuptley.

I am being put off going into the centre on my bike because of incidences like this and was wondering if anyone had any advice or suggestions on how to continue to enjoy the freedom of the bike without being threatened.

Many thanks


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Drunk peanuts probably. Where abouts are you? Can you find another route?


Eat, sleep, ride, repeat.
At least they know you're there- which is better than mobile phone man who strolls into your path oblivious to you zooming along.
I would just go a different route off the main strip.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
when you say "evening" is this late evening, around 11.00 when the pubs clear.

also, which city are you riding through.

i have never found that people like this are out and about during rush hour in London


Rollin' along
Manchester way
Sounds like you've jut met a couple of d**kheads TBH, they're an occupational hazard.

backstreet city centre or main thoroughfare? how many other people around?

If someone is already crossing, back off a touch and let them get on with it. generally ride much more towards the central line than you would intuitively do so: city centre traffic isn't going to be going that fast that you'll be a newsworthy hold up & you're far enough out from the kerb to be no sport for the imbeciles that like to play chicken off the pavement and will have 2 choices of how to go around people if they do freeze in front of you, or start playing the aggressive idiot.

otherwise, can you ride with a friend while you get your confidence and urban bike warrior skills tuned up or would you be ok stopping and waiting near someone else who is out and about, with the first aggressive harassment type so that they know there is a witness to their behaviour and will in all probability wander off looking stupid as bullies do when they can't pick on 1:1?
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Check for clear road ahead. Pass them wide. Goad then into chasing with an insult. Keep just far ahead enough of them to make them think they are going to get you. Saying "f*** f***" and pretending your gears aren't working is good, and keep them running - drunks vomit really easily at which point you can safely stop and take a photo for your wall.

Alternatively, ignore them.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
If they are aggressive, boozed-up or both, it's best to avoid them. Go a different way if you can.


New Member
Thanks! it's in main areas it happens. I'm in Manchester. I have friends who bike on a night in the city centre and have never been harassed. The only difference is, they are male and I am female. I don't go into the centre much at all. I think I might only bike through when i am with one of my friends as I have been lucky so far to have not been hurt by these guys acting like this.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
What times. My guess is it's drunks. I commute into manchester but would certainly be wary late at night with drunks, students, party goers....

As others have said, its drunks, they will square up to busses !

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Would you not get some harassment by drunks in town as a pedestrian?
I feel much safer on my bike than on foot, because I know I can out cycle them easy.
I am female too btw.
As @potsy to ride with you, he is a right scary cat ;)


extimus uero philosophus
Would you not get some harassment by drunks in town as a pedestrian?
I feel much safer on my bike than on foot, because I know I can out cycle them easy.
I am female too btw.
As @potsy to ride with you, he is a right scary cat ;)


I can imagine it now: "So help me GOD I will b**** slap you with this very hand"
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