Cycling on the road is such a competitive thing

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Still trying to look cool and not the fool HA
N Devon
You get bugger all points for overtaking me. I'm old (ish), slightly large (ish), only started cycling again 5 months ago, and usually only just managing to not have a heart attack when going up hill. Definitely 'nil points'.
I feel your pain................most days in fact :laugh:


I really try to avoid doing this, but sometimes it's just too hard!!!! i was riding in this morning with another guy on a hardtail, was really doing my damndest to not sit right behind him by hanging back, but i had that perfect pedalling sensation going on (it's rare) and i kept catching up..

I felt shame but then i turned left he went straight on ;-)


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
If your not fast your last simples :tongue: It`s all a bit of fun and makes the commute that bit more interesting. Alas winter is around the corner and my strava exploilts will be coming to an end until spring again.
Lol, I had a SCR this morning; the bloke in front was legitimately holding up the car I was behind, and when it went through I was pulled through by its draft for not much effor, he didn't like that and I could hearing pedaling furiously to catch up/ drafting/ passing. Unknown to him I came down with food poisoning yesterday and had been sweating all night and deliberately wasn't going any reasonable pace but I'll leave him to his little bit of happiness :rolleyes:


SCR is great! Providing nobody does anything dodgy it's good clean fun. Haven't had the luxury of a commute on the roadie for a while so clock up many a point on 1 x battered up hybrid.


Über Member
I'm guilty of serial SCR'ing. I'm not the fastest, and most people aren't racing, but it is fun, and breaks up my commute. Unfortunately, it means I end up cream crackered by the end of the week because I'm constantly leaving the house telling myself "this is a recovery ride, take it easy", but the moment I see a rider in the distance it's like a red rag! I'm old enough to know better, but I just can't help myself.

Yes they are.... they just don't know it yet.
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