Cycling promotion of the month.

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
Well once again I have given someone a little advice cycling wise and possibly added another roadie to the list.

I was just preparing myself for leaving the house and going on a ride when a neighbour walked past and said "You've got to be mad to go out in this weather". I simply replied "You get used to it".
I started talking to her and she began to enquire about my bike. Asking about the pedals and how they clip in. Talking about the tires as well. Asking me if I was in a club. She said that she was thinking of getting her son into cycling (don't know if she was going to buy a bike for christmas). She asked me how many miles I do in a day and where abouts I go, to which I said "About 20 miles a day and I am heading up to Rhuddlan along the coast and the river path today"
I would have talked to her for a bit longer but I was shivering as I hadn't got warmed up yet so tootled off.

I am going to keep an eye out for her and her son as I suspect he might be quite young as she was going to pick him up from school.
She was a nice person though.


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
Nice story , here's hoping.
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