Cycling to rid hangovers

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Angry Blonde

Über Member
I love getting on my bike to cure a hangover on a sunday morning, I wake up ill, get on my bike, and within forty minutes, im feeling fantastic, anyone else use their bike to lose a hangover ?

Done 21 mile and now im fighting fit, out and back all before 8am happy days


Legendary Member
It does blow the cobwebs away, but I for one can think of better exercise on a Sunday morning.:smooch:


Market Rasen
I discovered this by accident. I had been to a mates 50th and I had planned to cycle to the nearby (4 miles away) airshow the following morning.
Well after a early morning finish and far too many brandies, my alarm woke me up and I felt as rough as a badgers ****.
So I went back to sleep for a bit. But I still felt unwell, so I decided to just get up and get on with it.
I was feeling very nauseous but as soon as i got moving I felt almost instantly better.
As soon as I got to the airshow and sat down I felt ill again. But it soon passed.
Must be the combination of exercise, fresh air & drinking water.


Über Member
I use to, quite regularly however it did very little to stop the weight gain of drinking (in what was in my case) to excess, but it was the best thing to do that whisked the hangover away, it almost felt like it was flushed out of my system.

Prefer not drinking now though. :thumbsup:

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
I rode a three-up 25 which included one clubmate who'd had a spectacularly heavy night. We packed before half distance following his umpteenth vomit break. I must admit we were so annoyed with him that we ignored his request for an easy first couple of miles to let him settle in and went flat out from the gun.


Well-Known Member
Have done this many a time before. Burning the candle at both ends is always a great idea when you are two or three pints in. As I was indulging in Edinburgh fringe last night I'm currently left facing this very problem. It's not the riding that's making me want to stay indoors it's the 25mph winds! With only 6 days before my first competitive ride I have no other option I guess. Ask me how infeel in a couple of hours though :whistle:


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Talking about Edinburgh, on my Hogmanay visits I used to do the New Year's Day running race, along the seafront at Portobello, usually starting with a very sore head. Always felt great by the finish.


Legendary Member
My cycling buddy sometimes has a sore head on a Sunday morning, evidenced by his presence on my wheel and occasional moans of "Oooh" on climbs.. It usually only lasts for half an hour though and then it's back to our usual routine of me hanging on for grim death.
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