Cycling whilst drunk? Should I?

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jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I am off for a lad's night out in a couple of weeks. Was thinking of cycling there and back, then I thought, could get bus over and RUN home. I am sure there are tons of reasons this is not a good idea, and now I looked at the distance it is too far to run (19km). I could cycle though. I would not be very drunk (2-3 pints, maybe 4 at a push, washed down by a curry)

I used to do it in London a long time ago on the basis that I was only putting myself at risk.

There is some urban myth that you can lose a car licence if you get done, but I suspect you would have to do something pretty bonkers or dangerous for that to happen!

Debate open!
How would I feel if someone drunk 3-4 pints, then drove/rode home, causing a death/accident involving a relative of mine? That's what I would be asking myself.


New Member
Go on your bike. Have one pint of beer, then have non alcoholic drinks. If you only plan to drink a few anyway what`s your problem?


Do it ,(sorry) only have 4 pts tops and 3 miles to the pub.


Legendary Member
jay clock said:
I would not be very drunk (2-3 pints, maybe 4 at a push, washed down by a curry)
I wouldn't think you should be at all drunk unless you are throwing it all down in a very short space of time. You can always push the bike through any technical stages of your journey if in doubt.


snorri said:
I wouldn't think you should be at all drunk unless you are throwing it all down in a very short space of time. You can always push the bike through any technical stages of your journey if in doubt.

That's what I reckon too. Your title is misleading BTW!


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
jay clock said:
There is some urban myth that you can lose a car licence if you get done, but I suspect you would have to do something pretty bonkers or dangerous for that to happen!

Debate open!

Myth? No, it's bollocks. Drink driving laws ONLY apply to mechanically propelled vehicles. There is a law about being drunk in charge of a pedal cycle under the 1988 Road Traffic act. To prove it you would have to be so drunk as to be unfit to be in proper control of the bike, and if you were caught and a sobriety test determined you were that drunk, you would be fined. :

Section 30 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, as amended by the Road Traffic Act 1991, provides the offence of cycling on a road or public place whilst under the influence of drink or drugs. It states:
30(1) A person who, when riding a cycle on a road or other public place, is unfit to ride through drink or drugs (that is to say, is under the influence of drink or a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the cycle) is guilty of an offence.

There is no offence of 'being in charge' of a cycle under the Road Traffic Acts, but such conduct may well be an offence of drunk in charge of a carriage under section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872. A bicycle or tricycle is a carriage for the purpose of that section.

So if you were absolutley legless and tried pushing the bike home, then theoretically you could be fined under an act nearly 140 years old!!


jay clock said:
There is some urban myth that you can lose a car licence if you get done, but I suspect you would have to do something pretty bonkers or dangerous for that to happen!
If you're a bit tipsy and your wallet falls out, then yeah, you could lose your license.
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