Cyclist kills pedestrian

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Über Member
Ben Lovejoy said:
And here's the proof of the stupidity of the recent CTC statement: it has now been linked to this case


Given as "Background".

Hard to see any relevance at all between the CTC statement (which I disagree with) and this incident.

A more sympathetic paper might have found some stories about attacks on lone cyclists by gangs of teenagers for "Background".


Über Member
Ben Lovejoy said:
And here's the proof of the stupidity of the recent CTC statement: it has now been linked to this case


Sorry Ben but that comment is as stupid as the level of journalism in this case has been low. One dumb bastard on a bike does not mean that cycling is any more or less safe or change the numbers of largely innocent people who are killed by idiots in motor vehicles every day of the year.


domtyler said:
Sorry Ben but that comment is as stupid as the level of journalism in this case has been low. One dumb bastard on a bike does not mean that cycling is any more or less safe or change the numbers of largely innocent people who are killed by idiots in motor vehicles every day of the year.

Completely agree.


New Member
I afraid that without all the facts you have to trust the CPS and the inquest that viewed the incident as an accident.

Would I cycle at 17mph through a group of girls on the pavement, probably not, however he did stop after the accident and give first aid, he did'nt just ride off, he took responsiblity and I imagine he belives it wasn't his fault.

I feel sorry for her family at this difficult time



Über Member
cupoftea said:
I afraid that without all the facts you have to trust the CPS and the inquest that viewed the incident as an accident.

Would I cycle at 17mph through a group of girls on the pavement, probably not, however he did stop after the accident and give first aid, he did'nt just ride off, he took responsiblity and I imagine he belives it wasn't his fault.

I feel sorry for her family at this difficult time


No, they found the cyclist guilty of dangerous cycling.


New Member
Jaded said:
jely, I agree, however my comments are entirely down to dom's assertion that the cyclist is a vile and arrogant man.

i know... and i agree just because he shouted out at that particular time, it does not necessarily make him a vile and arrogant man (regardless of what the father says too)

I consider myself a polite person the majority of the time but there have been times that I've ridden into work and done some serious swearing at someone who steps off the curb in front of me... and i have no doubt they would have gone back to their office and called me a vile and arrogant girl... which i consider myself not.

Saying that though, I know I'd never cycle into a group of people.

Mr Pig

New Member
I've been in situations where I've sped up passing peds.

There are areas of the cycle track popular with neds who stand drinking then smash the bottles on the track. I've had run-ins with these morons before. If they stop you they will try to take money off you, try to take the bike or other items off you or just plain threaten you for the fun. I've been threatened by a guy who wanted money, shoving his face into mine saying he was going to hammer me, in the middle of Airdrie main street on a Saturday afternoon! These people are nasty.

On the bike I've has stones and a can of lager thrown at me, the stones were from thirty-foot up and could've killed one of us. If I pass a bunch of neds on the cycle track I'm very sorry but I'm not stopping either! I'll tuck into the same side of the track as them and hope I can be on them before they realise I'm coming and think of something to do. It usually works but I've had them try to grab me as I pass.

Maybe this guy was arogant. Maybe he was just scared.


Senior Member
Mr Pig said:
I've been in situations where I've sped up passing peds.

There are areas of the cycle track popular with neds who stand drinking then smash the bottles on the track. I've had run-ins with these morons before. If they stop you they will try to take money off you, try to take the bike or other items off you or just plain threaten you for the fun. I've been threatened by a guy who wanted money, shoving his face into mine saying he was going to hammer me, in the middle of Airdrie main street on a Saturday afternoon! These people are nasty.

On the bike I've has stones and a can of lager thrown at me, the stones were from thirty-foot up and could've killed one of us. If I pass a bunch of neds on the cycle track I'm very sorry but I'm not stopping either! I'll tuck into the same side of the track as them and hope I can be on them before they realise I'm coming and think of something to do. It usually works but I've had them try to grab me as I pass.

Maybe this guy was arogant. Maybe he was just scared.

I thought that at first, but as someone said earlier, if he was scared, would he have stopped having hit one of them, or would he have carried on and 'phoned an ambulance from a safe distance away? I suppose it's possible that he was scared to start with but then realised after he hit her that they were younger or less scary than he thought, but if I was in the same position, I'd hang back and wait for them to finish crossing, or if they were just walking along, until the road cleared so I could ride past at speed with plenty of clearance.

small fish

Well-Known Member
When I've been scared of a group of teenagers I've give them as wide a berth as possible - not ridden through a the midle of them giving them opportunity to grab or push me.

I have to say that from all the accounts I've read the guy sounds like he was guilty as charged and lucky not to have been charged with manslaughter.


Über Member
It's a shame that this selfish c*** has done more to put back the cause of cycling than a million red light jumpers.


New Member
i'm sorry but they're not far wrong. i apologised to a lady the other day for some tw@ jumping a pedestrian red light ... she smiled and thanked me for apologising but it's tw@s like that stupid biddy who gives us a bad name... it's more than just one selfish c***, Dom!

so no, i won't criticise the bbc and a story like that cause there are self-gratification artists out there who do think they have the right to do flout the law.


Taking the biscuit
Grrrrrrrrr. The thing that really winds me up is when a cyclist from another part of the country does something like this and everyone starts barking on about cyclists in London!!:blush:

This country is hyped and hate fuelled sooo far up itself thanks to the media.


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