Cyclists urged to slow in parks

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New Member
So, cyclists are asked to show extra consideration for dog owners who believe its okay to let their animal s**t in public so long as they 'clean it up', or, in other words, wipe most of it up leaving a disgusting smear full of dangerous bacteria? We're asked to take it easy to avoid spooking a bunch of dangerous and potentially aggressive carnivores that are kept purely as entertainment and overfed on factory farmed meat by 'animal lovers'? Really, the use of intensively reared meat in any context means you're not an animal lover.

Crazy f45ed up world we live in, isn't it?

I like dogs, I think they're entertaining and endearing. But the way some (most, really) dog owners act... Its shameful. And now they're complaining because their (off the lead?) animals are being put at risk by cyclists? Oh, come on, we're taking that seriously?


New Member
i guess the news is referring to those little rats on leads which the celeb's are carying around with them. cant remember the news story now, and how was moaning about it, buit i doubt if the killed dogs were big ones like in the tour de france clips, but some shitty little tihng. lol sorry, just laughing at hte image of these creatures


New Member
Jake said:
i guess the news is referring to those little rats on leads which the celeb's are carying around with them. cant remember the news story now, and how was moaning about it, buit i doubt if the killed dogs were big ones like in the tour de france clips, but some shitty little tihng. lol sorry, just laughing at hte image of these creatures

Ahh, yes, slow down because you might upset Fifi-Tricksypoos, or whatever else the rat on a string is called.

Sorry, but it ain't livestock. Its a pet, little more than a toy for most folk living in towns. I'll do my best not to hit any obstruction, but I no more accept the presence of such a dog in my way as appropriate any more than I accept someone doing a jigsaw on the pavement.
Cab, I suppose you'd understand then if Tricksy's owner took the contrary view and didn't mind if Tricksy bit the odd cyclist as they're generally uncaring aggressive people. She doesn't want tricksy to bite them but if they get in the way, well....

I don't suppose there's any point in saying live and let live a little eh?


New Member
well i think if lady muck encouraged her shoot-su to bite people while she is rarring it up with her range rover sport friends, then i'm all up for kicking the odd shoot-su who is going for my ankle. (for the ones who take things too seriously, i wou;dnt kick a dog. the owner maybe lol)


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I once got told off by a dog walker - for riding from mount gate to the toilets, all of about 15m. She was right too, I shouldn't have been riding there, but then again she shouldn't have been walking her dog without a lead.


New Member
Crackle said:
Cab, I suppose you'd understand then if Tricksy's owner took the contrary view and didn't mind if Tricksy bit the odd cyclist as they're generally uncaring aggressive people. She doesn't want tricksy to bite them but if they get in the way, well....

I don't suppose there's any point in saying live and let live a little eh?

Absolutely. Live and let live. I've no truck whatsoever with a dog owner who doesn't feed their pet with factory farmed meat (yes, thats pretty much all of the commercial brands of dog food) and whose dog does not defacate in public, and who does not let their ultimately unpredictable animal off the lead where there are moving vehicles.

You know of such a dog owner?
What do you mean by factory farmed food. There are many brands of dogfood which are not cheap which come from sustainable properly reared animals. I presume you are a vegetarian with this statement?

As for dogs on the lead, I don't really see why they shouldn't be off the lead in a public space provided the animal is controlled. A public space is just that, it doesn't belong to one activity more than another.

Defecation in public: Well, if the diet is good, dog poo can be picked up and disposed of quite easily. If not, wet wipes can be used.

Personally I'd rather see people out excercising their dogs and keeping themselves fit and healthy and there's lots of studies which show the benefits of owning a dog for this.

I would admit that some dog owners are less than good but hey some cyclists aren't so wonderful either.


Über Member
I'd love to know how many dogs are killed by motor vehicles each year, can't remember the last public protest by dog owners against drivers though!! :tongue:

hackbike 6

New Member
BentMikey said:
I once got told off by a dog walker - for riding from mount gate to the toilets, all of about 15m. She was right too, I shouldn't have been riding there, but then again she shouldn't have been walking her dog without a lead.

Two wrongs don't make a right.:tongue:


Über Member
Stupid women tonight on he way home, kid in the pushchair, dog off the lead running up and down the cycle path. No control over it what so ever. Had to virtually stop and then she give me a look as if I was in the wrong. FFS. Bit my tongue and didn't say anything (but gave her a disapproving look).

A few hundred yards further on two more bloody dog owners taking up all the cycle lane and path. They didn't make any effort to move but then the dog jumped backwards and forced me on to the grass. Should I have ran the mutt over??
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