Cyclists urged to slow in parks

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I thought all these shared use areas, cycle lanes or not, are give way to walkers?


Legendary Member
Crackle said:
What do you mean by factory farmed food. There are many brands of dogfood which are not cheap which come from sustainable properly reared animals. I presume you are a vegetarian with this statement?

As for dogs on the lead, I don't really see why they shouldn't be off the lead in a public space provided the animal is controlled. A public space is just that, it doesn't belong to one activity more than another.

Defecation in public: Well, if the diet is good, dog poo can be picked up and disposed of quite easily. If not, wet wipes can be used.

Personally I'd rather see people out excercising their dogs and keeping themselves fit and healthy and there's lots of studies which show the benefits of owning a dog for this.

I would admit that some dog owners are less than good but hey some cyclists aren't so wonderful either.

The petfood industry i worked in used sustainable meat...but not in the sense you'd think. Sustainable, in the sense there's a never ending supply of waste and offal that we would never eat. There's nothing fussy or caring about it.

Lungs, viscera, blood (by the tanker load), rabbits heads (by the lorry load), fish heads and spine (by the lorry load), even kangaroo or wallaby heads :angry::sad:...absolutely (or at least virtually) NOTHING gets wasted.
Cretins that eat this stuff to try to prove a point are just that..cretins. I've seen the maggots, the gunk and shite that gets used...even in Sheba, a premium product.

This of course has nothing to do with the topic....but having worked in that industry, i'm glad i'm not a dog or cat :whistle:
No, as in no offal but proper meat cuts and veg.. Generally it's dried stuff not the stuff you buy in tins in supermarkets. No I've been in a rendering plant, the worst smell I have ever come across.


New Member
Crackle said:
What do you mean by factory farmed food. There are many brands of dogfood which are not cheap which come from sustainable properly reared animals. I presume you are a vegetarian with this statement?

Vegetarian? Hell no. But I restrict my meat purchases to those where I know how and where the animal was raised and slaughtered, or to wild meat.

Regarding dogfood thats 'sustainable'... Great. I'd love to encounter a dog owner who actually only fed such things to a dog; fact is, if you're an animal lover you can't make any kind of argument whatsoever for feeding any other kind of meat to a pet. If there were any way to find out the truth I'd suggest a sporting wager that none of those complaining in the media about cyclists and dogs are actually that consciencious.

As for dogs on the lead, I don't really see why they shouldn't be off the lead in a public space provided the animal is controlled. A public space is just that, it doesn't belong to one activity more than another.

Controlled but off the lead? In a space occupied by moving vehicles, children, and those who simply don't like dogs? You mean, its fine to exclude others by letting dogs run about, because the freedom of dog owners is more important than everyone else? Thats rich.

Defecation in public: Well, if the diet is good, dog poo can be picked up and disposed of quite easily. If not, wet wipes can be used.

Yes, leaving a smear of untreate fecal matter. How the heck is that okay?

Personally I'd rather see people out excercising their dogs and keeping themselves fit and healthy and there's lots of studies which show the benefits of owning a dog for this.

And there is a hundred and fifty years of bacteriology telling us the dangers of untreated feces from dogs, and millenia of examples of dogs causing harm to people when uncontrolled. Delightful animals, for the owners, disease carrying, threatening pests for others.

I would admit that some dog owners are less than good but hey some cyclists aren't so wonderful either.

I've yet to meet a cyclist who left smears of s14t all over the ground and who acted virtuous for doing so.
You plainly don't like dogs so I'm not sure there's any worth in discussing this further.

You're also ignoring what I've written and are just re-stating the same things again.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I don't think you're winning Cab over here Crackle.

My dog is the first I've ever owned - I think he's splendid, and I rather like other people's dogs too, I have to admit. Of course *rationally* that makes no sense having read Cab's postings, and I've decided that I'll look at him funny every now and then, just so he knows I disapprove of him.

I'll give myself the odd fisheye in the mirror too, just so I don't get too happy about things.

Mr Pig

New Member
Don't you just hate other people?
John the Monkey said:
I don't think you're winning Cab over here Crackle.

My dog is the first I've ever owned - I think he's splendid, and I rather like other people's dogs too, I have to admit. Of course *rationally* that makes no sense having read Cab's postings, and I've decided that I'll look at him funny every now and then, just so he knows I disapprove of him.

I'll give myself the odd fisheye in the mirror too, just so I don't get too happy about things.

Yes our first too. I'm also perfectly aware that people don't like dogs, so he's been trained from a pup to obey commands when out.

I don't think anyones ever won Cab over have they, he's an immovable object.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Mr Pig said:
Don't you just hate other people?

Honestly, in general no. Something odd happens to people that drive cars, but they're generally quite nice when you encounter them in other situations.

Crackle said:
Yes our first too. I'm also perfectly aware that people don't like dogs, so he's been trained from a pup to obey commands when out.

It's not enough. Frown at yourself in a mirror a couple of times tomorrow, and we'll not mention it again.
Nope I refuse to feel any guilt for owning a dog. Incidentally JTM, keep him regulalry wormed and he won't carry the Toxocara in his faeces which is the main public health concern with dogs.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Crackle said:
Incidentally JTM, keep him regulalry wormed and he won't carry the Toxocara in his faeces which is the main public health concern with dogs.
We have a great local vet who filled us in on all that stuff, so the little chap is bang up to date, and will remain so.

Here he is, incidentally;



Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Crackle said:
Nope I refuse to feel any guilt for owning a dog. Incidentally JTM, keep him regulalry wormed and he won't carry the Toxocara in his faeces which is the main public health concern with dogs.

Unfortunatly its a few bad dog owners that give the rest of us a bad name. Bit like cyclists who jump red lights :whistle:
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