Cyclists urged to slow in parks

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New Member


It's a towpath, bit of give and take.


Jake said:

prob killed as owners dont look after their dam dogs and keep them under control.


As a cyclist, I want to go everywhere at 100mph and take advantage of the places I am allowed to cycle.

As a dog owner, I see how it freaks the dog out when a cyclist comes past us on a path at speeds above 10mph.

I consider it dangerous to both parties whether the dogs are on or off a lead on narrow paths as you don't always get much time to react when a cyclist comes bombing past from behind.

I don't think that a request to slow down when passing animals is an inconsiderate one. You'd slow down in a car (or cycle/motorcycle/etc) if you were passing by a Horse on the road wouldn't you ?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I slow down in parks, and I'm very careful around dogs. As a dog owner, my own mutt gets a VERY short lead when bikes/horses etc pass us.

It's common sense really, imo - the pity of that is that it seems to not be all that common these days.


New Member
I also slow down for horses when I pass on my bike.

But only after having learnt the hard way - bombing past some horses and being shouted at by their riders. Me bad.


New Member
yep i do slow down as i know they are likely to do something unpredictable. certainly is give and take and people should bare that in mind. ps did you see how far the owner was away from the dog, he did'nt give a monkey about his pet.

there were some police horses down there today and yesterday. not posted the video yet, but you can see how careful this country boy cyclists is. Had to stop for a squirel today as it just wanted to sit there and eat his nuts lol. didnt mind as seeing a bit of nature in action is great, like the geese and other wild fowl.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
In fairness, I fully agree with them - there are far too many angry and impatient cyclists out there, swearing at you to get out of their way.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
BentMikey said:
...there are far too many angry and impatient cyclists out there, swearing at you to get out of their way.
It's a bit of a tangent, but I agree that some people seem to take what I think of as a "car" attitude, and bring it to the bike.

I don't know why this is - whether these are folk that buy into the whole "cyclist as urban warrior" thing, whether they think that's what you're supposed to do, or whether it's some sort of pre-emptive aggression aimed at other road users.

Getting your blood pressure sky high and being narky with people sort of misses the point of what's good about being on the bike, imo. A large part of that for me is enjoying the ride, not getting too stressed, and interacting a bit with the folk around you (passing the time of day as opposed to barging past them at the ASL, chatting to dog owners about their mutts, cyclists about their bikes etc)

Mr Pig

New Member
You have no choice but to slow down. Fair enough, the mutts are often running rampant but it's still out responsibility to take care.

I ran over a dog a few months ago. Running loose, no owner to be seen. I slowed right down but still nearly killed it!


Über Member
When I am cycling my commute I want to get where I am going as quickly as possible and so cycle flat out for the duration. I realised a long time ago that main roads were the correct and proper place to do this.
Mr Pig said:
You have no choice but to slow down. Fair enough, the mutts are often running rampant but it's still out responsibility to take care.

I ran over a dog a few months ago. Running loose, no owner to be seen. I slowed right down but still nearly killed it!

My avatar just chased your piggy arse up and down the park.



I was cycling through Hyde park this summer. Very slowly, although that didn't help the poor pigeon that ended up in my front wheel, or the tourists which I almost ran in to in the ensuing confusion.

Maybe parents need to keep their offspring under control instead of letting them run at pigeons around cyclists!


Legendary Member
My commute takes me thru' the park. On the road I ride like a demon; in the park I keep below about 10mph at all times, and anytime I'm anywhere near a human bean, dog, duck or even squirrel, I slow to walking speed or less. If needs be, I stop. What's the hurry? I often wonder what all those mad overtakers and the like have planned for the two and a half minutes they've saved then they get to the other end. Quick one off the wrist perhaps?
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