Dareen Brown: Which do we belive?e

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Rob S

New Member
It was interestng enough...his shows always are. I think it is nothing more than a way of making people believe they have the power to do something....a variation on what he also said that if you are scared enough then you won't do something ie put a knife through your foot or touch a mouse in a box. I see they contestants didn't know what numbers they had picked either.

I still think it was a camera trick and ball 39 was the proof.
So he didn't actually reveal how he did it then? Just more of his pretend psychology to try and make an illusion make him into Cracker when he's nothing of the sort?

Aye. I found the programme annoying. Very slow, never actually going to reveal how he did it, and it felt like he was taking the wee out of the folk daft enough to beleive the twaddle he was talking.

I will be avoiding him in the future.


My Armchair
So he didn't actually reveal how he did it then? Just more of his pretend psychology to try and make an illusion make him into Cracker when he's nothing of the sort?
Just wasted an hour of my life watching that rubbish:sad: fell for the hype,thought there would be a big reveal at the end but no just babble.


Complete shite - TV trickery dressed up as magic. I did not see it, but caught a report in the paper today. If he could genuinely make this happen, he would have quietly scammed the Lottery to a few million.
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