Dirty Bike

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New Member
I know this sounds stupid but after doing a 70 miler road ride this sunday , bike has muddy road splashes over crank chain etc , does this need to be cleaned as soon as ride has been finished or can you go a while ( few rides ) before you clean it , and what is the best stuff to clean it with , thanks


New Member
depends how obsessive you are really - you can go the 'scrub with a toothbrush after every ride routine' or do what I do and clean it when it needs it, or somewhere in between. Hang on, had the last bike 12 years and never actively cleaned it once, rain does it for me:ohmy::biggrin::ohmy::biggrin:


Legendary Member
N Ireland
IMO it depends on how anal you are. If my bike gets very wet and muddy I would clean it immediately after a ride, otherwise I leave my machines for weeks with a bit of grime.

Bad soiling may invite corrosion or excessive wear. Minor soiling is a matter of choice - some like to have their bikes gleaming at all times, I don't care about such things!!


No need to clean after every ride - unless you get really mucky and wet.

Key things if it's dirty/wet - keep the chain mech clean and wipe the road grease of your braking surfaces.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
You dirty buggers...............:ohmy:;)

I clean the bikes every ride if they get mucky - the commuter get's washed with car shampoo after wet rides and then chain wiped and lubed.

The road bikes are cleaned a lot - anyone who's seen my Herety or Ribble will confirm I have OCD - I was called 'marrigold' by some of the lads in my club......:biggrin::blush:

I just like my bikes to look nice, plus they last longer if looked after !

A little and often - takes no time - if you let them get mucky, they will take ages to clean !! Well that's my excuse !


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oi..... is this anal ?????? OK



OK you got me.................

Andy Pandy

New Member
Fossyant - even the gear cable is lovely and shiny, nice looking bike.

Personally, I believe that a good layer of muck and grime actually protects the bike from further corrosion. I realize that I have nothing to support this belief beyond my own laziness.


I'm not sure if "anal" is the word some might use, - for having Comp***olo pedals and Sh(ykw) Dura Ace gears :rolleyes:

If I had as nice a bike as that, I'd probably clean it daily/hourly too :biggrin:


Legendary Member
N Ireland
fossyant said:
Oi..... is this anal ?????? OK



OK you got me.................

Well, put it this way; do you spend more than 10% of your 'bike' time cleaning the bike? If I spent more than 10% of my 'bike' time on cleaning duties I would consider myself to have my priorities wrong - but, hey, that's just my opinion.

To illustrate the sort of cyclist I am I can relate a tale when another cyclist I knew came up alongside me on a group ride and asked if I had a new bike. When I said "no", he replied "oh, you've just cleaned that one then" - speaks for itself, eh!

Don't get me wrong - I've got very nice bikes. It's just that, with the exception of the drivetrain, I don't clean them often.


One of the things I do do regarding cleaning is make sure the chain is clean after every ride, no excuses, ever. It takes just a minute or so, hang the bike up on the wall, and use a rag to clean the chain off and relub once finished.

Easy and well worth the effort. I clean my bikes when they're dirty.



Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
When I went on a recent Forum Ride with Fossyant I did actually genuinely think he'd purchased his bike just minutes before meeting me... he did explain that it was nearer 18 years old, to which my face must have been a picture (albeit a scary one) as I quickly glanced at my own pride and joy and decided that my cleaning regime left a lot to be desired!!! :tongue::biggrin:
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