Do spliffs facilitate carb replenishment?

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Me and my mate are gonna ride from Paris to Amsterdam soon. It's gonna be easy as long as we don't get lost. If we wanted to we could ride about 100 miles a day for 3 days and then spend the rest of the fortnight in Amsterdam smoking lots of spliffs. But we're gonna do about 40 miles a day really slowly and try to sample as much of France and Belgium as we can along the way.

Anyway, what I wanna know is this. I have a very temperamental appetite, by which I mean sometimes I can't eat even though I know I need to feed my muscles. However, I've read that cannabis gives you something called the 'munchies' which is because some of the 'cannabinoids' in cannabis mimic the chemical messengers in your brain that make you hungry. In which case, if I smoked some, I would probably have to eat lots of food even if I wasn't hungry. Surely this is a good thing, after a hard day of cycling, I could light up a cannabis cigarette and then due to being 'stoned' I would want to eat lots of food, which would replace the carbs that I've burnt during the day. Surely this is better than failing to eat due to lack of appetite.


Legendary Member
Iv been told using crack cocain is good for losing wieght too, mmmm I wonder? :sad:


if you eat loads of carbs in the evening, then if you don't burn them off within a few hours then they'll get stored as fat. Also wont' do much for your lung capacity.
I haven't had any weed for ages, but I really fancy a spliff now.:sad:


Legendary Member
Am envious as hell, I'd get locked up for about 12 years for smoking up here.....

Hmmm, time for a trip to Cambodia!


New Member
Essex, UK
Amsterdam and other parts of Holland are very tolerant and i think they have slightly changed there views on it recently, But i'm sure you will still be able to find COFFEE SHOPS that serve the need.

I will be going Via Holland next year on my tour and will definitely sample the delights of whats on offer along the way...

Yeah you will get the Munchies, Just make sure you EAT GOOD FOOD and not Crap food then everything will balance itself out nicely..;):laugh:

Just Beware that the WEED is very Strong in Holland and you will probably get so stoned that you wont want to eat.



There's always old-fashioned beer, get zonked and replenish carbs at the same time.

Hrmm, just been thru that part of the world, can't say I had much problem with carb intake - beer, chocolate, waffles, 101 types of cake, advokat, jesus fill your boots!


Legendary Member
When i smoke up I tend to get the opposite of the munchies, I don't want to eat at all. Could be cos I'm always the one skinning up the next one, I'm by far the best roller of all my mates!


God Almighty
I'm pretty dissapointed that people seem to be supporting you smoking cannibis...
...taking drugs isn't worth it...lay off is my advise.
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