Do You remember riding on a go-cart?

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Out on a ride today, I saw two kids playing on a go-cart - complete with pram wheels and steering rope - well cool :biggrin:

Can't remember the last time I saw anyone playing on one. Took me back to being a kid and put a smile on my face.


New Member
Oh no thats all i need now, kids on Go-Karts over taking me :biggrin:...does bring back the years though:biggrin:


MichaelM said:
Out on a ride today, I saw two kids playing on a go-cart - complete with pram wheels and steering rope - well cool :biggrin:

Can't remember the last time I saw anyone playing on one. Took me back to being a kid and put a smile on my face.

Maybe you rode through a time-portal without realising it, a la 'Goodnight Sweetheart!'

Or maybe there are people that still build go-karts, miraculous and rare though that is...either way very good! :rolleyes:

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Yep !! down the tip with a hacksaw to sort out the wheels.
quick trip to nearest building site to purloin a scaffold plank or two, and off you go.
Great fun ! Although with no brakes immensely dangerous !!

Big Bren

New Member
A friend of mine decided to relive the nostalgia of his youth by taking his own son out to the garage and constructing with him a trolley of the old school design; pram wheels, railway sleeper, steering rope etc. The trolley was then transported to the park nearby and the lad did a solo test drive down a pretty nasty hill; Top Gear rocket car antics ensued - the trolley went out of control, flipped and landed on top of laddo, almost breaking his neck.

The victims mother has forbidden any further father/son trolley shenanigans, so whilst he sits inside manipulating pixels on his Xbox 360, the trolley stands forlorn in the corner of the garage, a stark representation of our risk averse society.



Smutmaster General
This was all fields when i was a lad.

Mr Celine

Go kart? It was called a bogie when I were a lad.

My worst karting injury was a smashed up finger which still bears the scars. Due to accidents and over-zealous cornering I had run out of pram wheels so resorted to butchering an old trike for a replacement rear wheel set. The axle was rather awkwardly mounted due to the presence of the sprocket at the centre. Shortly after this modification had been made I was being towed along by a mate and in a flash of inspiration had the idea of using the sprocket as a rudimentary brake. A piece of iron bar could be hinged so as to drop onto the sprocket and lock the wheels, which would also give rise to some really cool skids. But which way did the sprocket freewheel? I touched it with my finger to find out.......there was a clearance of about a centimetre between the sprocket and the back of the bogie, and there just happened to be a nail sticking out there. Unfortunately I discovered that the sprocket did not freewheel in the direction I had hoped, which resulted in my finger being mashed up between the sprocket and the nail. :ohmy:xx(

slow down

New Member
Yeah - bread crate, pram wheels, few bits of scrap wood and a bit of rope - it was only half way down the hill that you realised that the streering didn't actually work that well and that you'd forgot about fitting brakes :biggrin:

jonathan ellis

Well-Known Member
Don't know how we survived really

used to go down a steep road in Swainby North Yorkshire with no brakes.

Frequently veered off course into thorns and nettles and then did it again straight away

madness but fun


jonathan ellis said:
Don't know how we survived really

used to go down a steep road in Swainby North Yorkshire with no brakes.

Frequently veered off course into thorns and nettles and then did it again straight away

madness but fun

Ahhh, the memories :rolleyes:
An abandoned pram didnt stay where it was for 5 minutes....hauled away, axles sawn off and hidden away for the next cart. Cant begin to remember what we did with the other 90% of the pram :biggrin::biggrin: it'd be called fly tipping nowadays.

Dont know about thorns and nettles, but we used to race like fury round corners (on our bikes...) ....and crash into privet hedges...deliberately. See who could land in the top of a 5 or 6 ft high privet....the joy :rolleyes::biggrin:


New Member
Go-karts - tremendous! Although my Dad insisted it was a "guider"

What's all this talk of no brakes though? Are you lot insane? A good pair of shoes stamping on the front wheels was all you needed, a la Indiana Jones, but not to be attempted at high-speed.

My worst injuries were grazed knees, which averaged I'd guess every second ride. The fastest (and riskiest) "mode" was lying headfirst, steering by using hands on the axle rather than the rope.

I even remember a story in primary school that was read to us about go-karts, wherein a boy named "Spit Nolan" met his maker despite being the best go-karter around.

ps Buggi and Elmer - they aint go-karts! Got to be home-made to qualify. Unless you pair are particularly adept mechanics with an eye for aesthetics.
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