Does anybody still use Cycling Capes?

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Legendary Member
I carry one in my work bag, it gets used if the ride home from work is wet. I also have a lightweight jacket, that goes in the saddlebag when I go out on a Sunday.
Same here. My work ride involves a commute to the station where I lock my bike, and in summer I'll sometimes toss my old cape into the bag I leave attached to my bike if I think there might be rain on the way home. I figure no one is going to nick it, and it wouldn't be a great loss if they did.

I doubt I would buy a new cape though unless someone drastically improved the design.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
They are cheap and very popular out here in China, I find them OK to use but as others have said they can blow around a bit which is not so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I have an old cyclists poncho that has a hood and straps for the thumbs, it works okay for warm weather, otherwise I go back to my race marshalls' gore-tex coat, which is more convenient, as it folds all into its front pocket.


Legendary Member
Jannie rides with one every now and again if its just a light shower and says they are not as muggy as her rain suit.



Legendary Member
NE England
I used one occasionally up to 2008 when I went fully recumbent. Great for a ride to the shops in a deluge but really hard work into a anything more than a gentle breeze. As a boy I cycled to and from school with one in the saddle bag for 7 years. Going home in heavy rain and into a stiff NE wind was really slow!

Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
Presumably though you flew along when the wind came from the south west.
My memory of capes in a tail wind was that they blew up to your shoulders and you got a wet back. The better ones had a little flap at the back that you spread over the saddle and sat on to keep the cape down but every time you shifted position you lost it and so gave up bothering.
Nostalgia is often triggered by a smell. I have just recalled that strange plasticky smell you got when you unrolled them to use. And the first gust of wind ripped the thumb loops out and put the cape over your face. Happy days!


My poncho hasn't got thumb loops bit it has a pair of press studs on either side that for a loose sleeve.


Legendary Member
My memory of capes in a tail wind was that they blew up to your shoulders and you got a wet back. The better ones had a little flap at the back that you spread over the saddle and sat on to keep the cape down but every time you shifted position you lost it and so gave up bothering.
Mine has a belt thing you can tie around your waste, which reduced the flapping somewhat. But IIRC you still had to sit on the bottom of the cape or risk getting a wet arse.


Velo, boulot, dodo
I've got one. I hardly ever use it, but for those really, really wet winter commutes (when it isn't also pretty windy!) it has some advantages. It keeps your gloves dry, your feet stay drier for longer (a lot of the water that gets in your shoes gets there by wicking down your legs). It's possible to stay pretty dry under a cape.
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