Driver is a little bit cheeky.

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"Young and Ex-whippet"


Hip Priest

This pro-active approach has prompted me to write a letter of my own.

Dear Bob Jones of Bob Jones Kitchens

At approximately 14:30 hours on Tuesday November 22nd, I was proceeding by bicycle along Shields road, when I spotted one of your vehicles being operated in an unacceptable manner. There was a light rain, yet your driver was employing the windscreen wipers in a continuous fashion, when the intermittent setting would have been more than adequate for the conditions.

I wish to inform you that I recorded the incident by means of video camera, and will be sending copies to my MP and the head of Northumbria Police.

King regards

Mr Hugh G. O'verreaction
Matthew - have you heard the accusations thrown at cycle-cammers that they 'delibrately go out and look for trouble?'

Take a good look at your reasons for filming and don't give them any ammunition!


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Matt I know you've had a bit of lets say "advice" from fellow members, but can I also point something out that you might have missed (remember this is not a telling off)

I've just watched the video and I noticed how close you were to the bumper of the van pulling out (you might have your reasons for doing this), you'll put yourself in real danger doing that though. If the van driver had gambled on a space being there, or took the chance of creating his own space in traffic
A) he might have to make an emergency stop, which leaves you very little time to react
B) Any vehicle traveling at speed in either direction to the junction, would be forced to take avoiding action and no doubt you'll end up doing a bonnet bounce.

You'll learn in time :thumbsup:

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
Mate, you really need back-off.

With your attitude you're going to bite off more than you can chew sooner rather than later.

A smack in the mouth is a harsh, and unnecessary, lesson.

The only difference between you and the drivers you complain about, is the number of wheels.


Mate, you really need back-off.

With your attitude you're going to bite off more than you can chew sooner rather than later.

A smack in the mouth is a harsh, and unnecessary, lesson.

The only difference between you and the drivers you complain about, is the number of wheels.
Why dont you take some of your own advice and do the same. Mathew has allready said he s got the message. Now butt out !
I think some people are forgetting, Mathew is still a young man, 17? and still learning. Some of the comments on here are unecessary.


Legendary Member
Matthew, it would be good pr if you were to reply to thank him for his e-mail and let him know that you are happy to accept his explanation. That way you'll both have learned from the experience and he'll maybe not be left with bad thoughts about cyclists.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I think Mathew has got the message folks. Keep to constructive criticism and comment rather then hostility and nastiness please.

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
Why dont you take some of your own advice and do the same. Mathew has allready said he s got the message. Now butt out !

Have you misinterpreted what I wrote?

With his confrontational approach (have you read his other threads) he's will soon get himself into a situation with someone who's going to give him a slap rather than talk it over.

The thrust of his arguments is the lack of care consideration and understanding that drivers give cyclists, when he demonstrates just the same attitude.

No, I will not "butt out": this is a public discussion on a public forum; better he's told 100 times, than thumped once don't you think?
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