erm..the things only women do?

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Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
darkstar said:
Haha well... we are for the few weeks after receiving the loan installment, then you soon realise, that just maybe, buying that thing you don't actually need (in my case, some random gadget or thing for the bike, in hers a £300 pair of shoes :smile: ) was a mistake :biggrin:

Ahh haaaa - caught out then Darkstar. It's not just women that spend money, in your opinion, inappropriately.


Barbara Woodhouse's Love Child
Wheeledweenie said:
I've mentioned Cyclechat to a few friends and at least three rejected it out of hand because they didn't like the sexist attitude of some of the posters.

It's a real shame as the silly minority ruin if for everyone. That's always the way I find. Sigh.

There's a couple of bad apples but not enough to ruin the overall vibe, imo.


Openly Marxist
BigonaBianchi said:
well if you knew me you would know that is not the case. However I accept your view and repeat the apology.

Ok well thanks for the conciliatory approach. I only note for future reference that the funny and the serious are not opposites. Anything but. :smile:


Über Member
snapper_37 said:
There's a couple of bad apples but not enough to ruin the overall vibe, imo.

I know, it disappoints me that they're put off. As I said it's the minority which is why I remain an enthusiastic member of what I consider to be, overall, a nice and very useful forum. :smile:


New Member
snapper_37 said:
Ahh haaaa - caught out then Darkstar. It's not just women that spend money, in your opinion, inappropriately.

Aha no of course not! But it's much worse spending loads of money on clothes compared to gadgets for the bike.... :biggrin: She disagrees :smile:


theclaud said:
I don't really see any need to do this by PM, Greedo. The reason for the 'dig' as you put it, is that your post about 'upsetting the masses', whoever they are, was a direct endorsement of RR's, with little laughing smilies to indicate how hilarious you find it all. As patheticshark and Kirstie note, rather more diplomatically than I could, there is a small group of people on this forum who use it as a vehicle for indulging a certain kind of unreconstructed sexism in the form of lame gags, clinging to outdated beliefs about men and women, complaining about girlfriends/wives/partners, and parading galleries of sex objects. Forgive me if I'm mis-identifying the main culprits, but the Big-Greedo-Raider-Yenners quartet on this thread gives a fair snapshot. I find it crass, insulting, objectionable, and detrimental to the forum. It's really that simple. Dellzeqq suggested on another thread that a bit of introspection might not go amiss - you and I have had several small clashes about exactly this kind of thing, and yet you still seem surprised by my response. If you don't give a monkey's what I think, as I suspect RR doesn't, then you will no doubt continue in the same vein, but the larger point is that if you value the respect, friendship and company of women then you'd be well advised to think more carefully about the way you talk about, and to, them.

Well what can I say.

I never started the thread this morning and only posted my wife had an obsession with cushions. Nothing sexist in that! I also merely mentioned regarding RR's post that he had upset the masses. Regardless of the thread content I was merely stating a fact. I would have said the same regardless of what the thread was about. You however have taken this to be me condoning the sexist tone of the thread!

You obviously have selective reading ability as I have never on any occasion came on here moaning about my nagging wife!! For the record I can't abide anyone who moans about their partner/job or whatever. Get out. Move on if that's the case

Yes. I'll put my hand up and admit I have posted the odd joke, viewed by some as sexist. I don't believe I have posted any since it was pointed out that some people didn't find it funny.

I'll also admit I posted on the lovely ladies thread a lot and did start a thread last week based on the best looking talent show judge. If it is offensive to admire a beautiful looking woman then I apologise. It was a conversation that was happening at that moment in my house and the majority of people having that conversation were woman. I was just genuinely interested as to what others thought. The fact that the thread is still there and 50+ people have voted and hundereds of people viewed it would suggest that most people didn't find it offensive.

For the record. I have 4 sisters, a wife and employ 8 staff, 6 of whom are woman. I worked in recruitment for years and therefore know how to interview, reference and judge the right person for a job. All my employees were employed on ability alone basis and the 2 most important jobs (architect and project manager) are held by woman.

I hardly think I'm going to give such a responsibility to a woman if I was such a sexist, knuckle dragging, neanderthal, mysogynist as you have chosen to paint me!


Über Member
wafflycat said:
Nah. Both are acceptable - one can never have too many bike bits or clothes :smile:

Indeed. I have, on occasion, smuggled my expensive new bike stuff into the house hoping Mr Weenie wouldn't notice. His only remark when I was found out was that he was relieved it was stuff I would use rather than some impractical shoes. What a star.


Cycling Excusiast
Go away for a few hours and this is what happens...

I get what the Claud is saying here and Greedo, the tone of your threads can sometimes indicate that women are something to be looked at and paraded on a man's arm. There is more function to a woman in life then just something to be looked at- with this pervasive feeling of image is all no wonder there is this obsession with image and looks. Can we move away from endorsing this? I give you recent examples - ie your post about women buying shoes, your post about best looking female host etc etc

I do think there are some attitudes on this forum that are entrenched in the past - I got caught up in a slanging match between another forummer for something posted that was just verging on sexist with lots of backtracking from the person. It gets tiresome at times and when we challenge it - just saying it's tongue in cheek, calling me a harpie or saying that sexism is akin to biological attraction does not cut it in my books. Yes being attracted to another person is biological but how people respond to that is not- being tooted at as you're walking along is not a biological response now is it?

Men and women are different, not purely and simply by function of gender but by the individuals that they are - I wouldn't class myself as a particularly girly woman but I don't define myself by gender stereotypes. I have male and females friends who break this mould of what is feminine and masculine - I appreciate them for who they are.

Now can we just move on, live in the current century and wake up to the changing tides?

Bit of a rant but this stuff really gets my goat.
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