Every dark cloud has a fluorescent lining

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Über Member
After the sad days of the multi bike theft last week I got down to practicalities so #1 son could get to work this week. After a bit of searching I came up with this lurid specimen, agreed a very modest price and picked it up this afternoon.

Research tells me it's an '89 Raleigh Veloce in 531 with 105 group set but with a very dodgy downgrade to a 5 speed cassette. It will need some work, but that's what project bikes are for, and that paint scheme will have to go. A few minutes fettling this evening and it's a runner, he can get to work and the immediate pressure is off. Actually better than a runner, rides really well apart from a bump on the front rim and the indexing not matching the cassette, - friction shifting still has its uses.

I'm already looking at the options, single speed perhaps or a flexible commute bike with a 1x7, or keep it mechanically original but update the looks a bit. This is the fun part, and I'm so glad to be back in the game, an empty bike shed serves no good purpose.


Keep the paint scheme!


Legendary Member
531 frame and early 105 :biggrin: shame you need sunglasses to ride it xx( mind you it could stop the bu**ers nicking it.
Be very aware of the 2nd visit theft jobbie..................They wait til your insurance has replaced the stolen items then return.


Über Member
It's a 23inch.

A new chain smoothed things a lot. The strange five speed cassette is next as the indexing doesn't work, so back to the original spec seven. Also got a judder on the front brake, hoping not to go near the headset yet, but nothing obvious on the rims and the pads don't have an obvious toe-in adjustment. They are on Exage calipers that simply bolt through from the outside against a square face on the inner.

Getting used to it now and it does reside sweetly.


I think it looks fantastic!


Über Member
Thanks Skol, that's a great find.

I was flirting with going single speed but the lugs that the shifters screw onto are brazed into the frame and pig ugly if not covered up with shifters. I think this one will revert to original geared spec.
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