Every payday..

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Some New Boots, or maybe some wellies.


New Member
domtyler said:
Going shopping for a little table and chair for my daughter tomorrow, she has developed a frightening habit of wriggling out of the straps of her high chair and standing up, even trying to climb out! :evil: It's about three feet up!
So we have to get rid of that and get a little table for her to sit at and eat her meals.

Saw 2 foot off the legs


Active Member
Isle of Man
I have a 17 month old and a wife who has just given up work to have another child so I won't be buying anything for a many paydays !!


just jim

Shady said:
I have a 17 month old and a wife who has just given up work to have another child so I won't be buying anything for a many paydays !!


Your spendyness will return in time....


I have been putting away some money for a while towards a new bike - today I used it all up when my fridge and tumble drier both died and I had to get new ones :angry::tongue:

Oh well, bike to work scheme is due before the end of financial year.
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