Fantasy Giro d' Italia

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Steve B

New Member
Did I mention I broke my collarbone a few weks ago? No?! 12 screws in it I have. I am bravely giving it a go but come on, nobody expected me to be a contender in this condition did they..... :biggrin:


Über Member
Well it will be interesting to see were I am in a week, moving house in the morning and have no Internet for a week or so.(Going from a cable area to non cable area)
See you then peeps.
mondobongo said:
Well it will be interesting to see were I am in a week, moving house in the morning and have no Internet for a week or so.(Going from a cable area to non cable area)
See you then peeps.

Good luck, make sure the boxes are labelled. I predict in a week you'll be above me in the table and possibly above Dayvo :smile:


Flim Flormally
stumpy said:
I'm 2049th out of 2081 with one rider out of action............I may need a small miracle

Been a bit nosey, Stumpy, and clicked through to your mini-league. Looks like you put the wrong team into the CC league. The missionary boys look very good.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
I've gone from 777th to 889th in the overall.

Hoping I may move up slightly after the next scoring update (I do have Boassen-Hagen after all).

My policy of not picking dodgy Italians[1] isn't paying dividends.

[1] I feel constrained to point out that they might more accurately be described as previously dodgy, but having now served their time, and should be welcomed back to the peloton with open arms by all right thinking people. Possibly.
Noodley said:
I have today's winner in my team :evil:

Well you've got to get lucky sometime. I'm horribly sandwiched between you and Dayvo :evil: Still Pistachio should earn me some points on Tuesday.

Just looking at the Horrilo (sp?) crash. Hope he's OK.


Crackle said:
Well you've got to get lucky sometime.

Luck!? Luck!? You call having Bertolini (yesterday's "break away" of sorts) and Siutsou in my team luck? :ohmy:

Well thought-out choices, taking into account the PTP points system and their form, and liking for particular terrains and being presented with stage opportunities by their teams to show their potential.

Aye, okay it is luck :sad:


Active Member
Birmingham area
Alan H said:
Been a bit nosey, Stumpy, and clicked through to your mini-league. Looks like you put the wrong team into the CC league. The missionary boys look very good.

They are doin good. Talk about making the wrong choice:sad: They were my first attempt before getting a bit to clever for my own good:blush:
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