Favourite classical music...

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
that's a pretty good version !

I highly recommend the BBC's dramatized documentary Riot at the Rite - about the relationship between the main characters: Stravinsky, Diaghilev, Nijinski, and the notorious opening night Riot. The last half if a full performance complete with choreography and the audience booing and cheering. Both music and dance were thrillingly done even though it was in a sense a backdrop to the action of the drama. Superb. I've also got the Gergiev / Marinsky DVD of a revival of the Nijinksy's choreography - that too is stunning. It's a double-bill with the Firebird

I was going to post that but thought the BOOs were a bit depressing.

I grew up in a house where my Dad was into Classical and Opera (and took me to RSNO/SNO concerts as a kid), my Mum into '50s - '70s music, and my Big Sister who was into '80s - Current day, so I got a much better education of music than the average kid!!

Really, this is a thread I can contribute too, but I am holding back as I know it isn't all about me!! :laugh:


Lovely stuff
That London
Turbo Rider

Turbo Rider

Just can't reMember
So we're going cultured now are we...?

Mozzers requiem
I also like Nimrod done by the Grimethorpe colliery brass band (it's on my ipad) not sure if it's considered "classical"

A bit of Vaughan Williams and lots of stuff I don't know the names of.

Yay, well, slightly anyway...for concentration purposes and yes, Requiem has the perfect pace to it - cheers for the reminder :smile:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
There's a great deal of early and baroque music I enjoy, as well as Beethoven and the other Classical composers. Handel's "Israel in Egypt" has been a favourite for a while, especially this duet:



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
OK, so that reminded me of this, but remove all glassware from the room first :

An extraordinary performance!
Turbo Rider

Turbo Rider

Just can't reMember
The Agnus Dei box set is on my desk as I type. The CDs are ones that I sometimes have playing in the background when I am concentrating. I've actually got the second CD playing now...

Really does help with focus...thought choral might prove a distraction, but it's been quite the opposite. Blasts everything else away nicely. The chanting bits you mentioned back on page 1 have been grand too. Opens up the mind - certainly helps thin out the marmalade of life. Perfect preparation for meditation too.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
:okay: We got to see him at Leicester Cathederal last year, hair on the back of your neck job. Also had tickets for Birmingham last week but was unable to go.

If you have half an hour then may I suggest you watch the video of the whole album

Not that I value your recommendations :tongue: but I bought that for my dad for his birthday as he likes all that classical shïte, he said it was pretty good.

Spooky though, he was convinced we'd had a conversation about it and that's why I'd sent it, it wasn't me though, just a coincidence.


Seeing as McGinty brought Olafur Arnalds up agsin, he has just released an album of Chopin Variations and re-imagineings.

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