Favourite noise whilst cycling

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Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
I love the clickclickclick of a properly indexed rear mech - no clickclackettyclacketty for me. and the sort of mechanical shwoomsh of a well set up front mech. I also like the farting noise my bike pump makes when I put my thumb over the end of it and pump it up.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The sound of my airzound as i warn mobile phone texting/viewing pedestrians to look up and watch the road as they saunter across it.


so come on then what is your favourite noise whilst out cycling :

for me i like the sound of debris pinging from underneath my tubs when they are pumped up to 145 psi
You pinched my answer:laugh::wacko::cycle:


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
The sweet sound of "Get off the road, you don't pay road tax" as I cruise along, standing on my pedals and finger pointing to my anal region, the sweet sound of children running along upsides me shouting "Mr you back wheel is goi" (DONG!!) as they run into that unseen lamp post, cutting short their intended mockery, followed cries of pain and my cries of laughter.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
I like a quiet bike well indexed mechs that don't clatter or rattle at all and change with a whisper. It lets me enjoy the sounds of the world I'm riding through, theres even a kind of music to the thrum and thud of an urban ride as well as being able to get lost in nature away from the buildings.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I love the clickclickclick of a properly indexed rear mech - no clickclackettyclacketty for me.
Isn't yours silent when properly indexed? :?

Someone's already posted the SA ticking, so my second favourite was our pootleton being cheered by small children as we rode out of Wisbech a few years ago, after cycling had been on the TV more, with the tour wins and Olympics and everything, and Cambridgeshire started taking its cycling festival on tour and so on.
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