Favourite Weight Weenie tips..

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Give blood before riding, sail past your mates up the hill with that instant 500 gram saving...
I once gave blood 2/3rds of the way round a 50 mile ride..
The nurse had to check with the doctor to see if I was allowed to donate :tongue:


Leg End Member
Drill holes in the tubes & crank.
Remove the paint work.
Use a frame that is a size slightly smaller than you need.
Remove saddle bag & water bottles.
Remove dust caps.

PR’s all over the next ride.
"Gorgonzola Special"
It is a thing I assure you - I knew someone who not only took them off but spent a fair while on a ride telling me they were just not needed. He was a bit of a poseur, but then no great surprise there.
They are there only to satisfy packaging regulations, in certain territories. However, they do come in handy if you are inflating a tube and you don’t want the valve stem to push too far back into the rim, and give yourself an instant puncture. Also they stop any annoying valve rattle, however a square of insulating tape, will do the same, and save a couple of grammes.
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Legendary Member
Swiss cheese your handlebars, stem and seat post with a drill to save weight.

Shorter cranks.

Narrower section tyres weight less.

Removed unused bottle boss bolts. Hold on a bottle cage with only a single bolt.

Remove the bolt from the handlebar clamp and pop rivet the bars in position.

Remove as may links from your chain as possible, inasmuchnis compatible with the functioning of the gears.

Remove every second or third spoke.

Fit a smaller seat.

Cut an inch off the ends of the brake levers.

Use the thinnest brake cable inners possible.

Buy a bike with an unpainted finish.

Or just have a good solid Forrest Gump before going for a ride and lost three times as much.
In a kind of ‘anti weight weenie’ way, I know of some actual racers, who were on bikes that didn’t make the minimum UCI weight, hang chain links inside the seat posts, to make the weight, then remove them whilst racing, or even freeze water into the frame, which melted away during the stage / race.
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