Fear of Death?

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Über Member
It really doesn't make any logical sense to worry about dying does it? If you were to die, then you would simply cease to exist. There are lots of things that are worth worrying about but dying is definitely not one of them.


Taking the biscuit
I believe that if something is a foregone conclusion then there is little point or time for worry.

The only true issues for most people are how will it happen and what happens afterwards


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
domtyler said:
If you were to die, then you would simply cease to exist.

Dyings certain.
The times uncertain.
What happens after is uncertain also.

I prefer a level of agnosticism.

Whichever other route you take, religion or science - certain belief entails taking a large piece of evidence on faith.:becool:


New Member
laurence said:
i go to bed every night and hope for it.

Hope that was a bit of irony laurence, otherwise you have me deeply disturbed? :biggrin:

Had news of an old friends death yesterday! Am upset, although he had open heart surgery 10 years ago and was living on borrowed time!
This may sound callous but if you look at the situation of your contemporaries falling off the perch around you, by the law of averages you should have a better chance of survival to a decent age. :becool:
Do you agree?


Über Member
gambatte said:
Dyings certain.
The times uncertain.
What happens after is uncertain also.

I prefer a level of agnosticism.

Whichever other route you take, religion or science - certain belief entails taking a large piece of evidence on faith.:becool:

There is simply no justification for your agnosticism. There is not and never has been a single, solitary shred of evidence for any supernatural beings or reincarnations. A quick look at the human brain and its psychology will also tell you straight away that the creation of religions was always going to be inevitable in the absence of scientific truth.

So to correct your earlier statement:

Dyings certain.
The times uncertain.
What happens after is certain - you cease to exist.


Über Member
girofan said:
Hope that was a bit of irony laurence, otherwise you have me deeply disturbed? :biggrin:

Had news of an old friends death yesterday! Am upset, although he had open heart surgery 10 years ago and was living on borrowed time!
This may sound callous but if you look at the situation of your contemporaries falling off the perch around you, by the law of averages you should have a better chance of survival to a decent age. :biggrin:
Do you agree?

I'd take Laurence's maudlin outpourings with a pinch of salt if I were you! :becool:


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
domtyler said:
There is simply no justification for your agnosticism. There is not and never has been a single, solitary shred of evidence for any supernatural beings or reincarnations. A quick look at the human brain and its psychology will also tell you straight away that the creation of religions was always going to be inevitable in the absence of scientific truth.

So to correct your earlier statement:

Dyings certain.
The times uncertain.
What happens after is certain - you cease to exist.

No justification for saying "I don't know"?

Prove it. Without proof, its just opinion.

Atheists can be just as fundamentalist as those with religious beliefs.

Give me 100% irrefutable proof you're correct.

If theres no proof, theres room for doubt and I'll remain agnostic


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
domtyler said:
There is simply no justification for your agnosticism. There is not and never has been a single, solitary shred of evidence for any supernatural beings or reincarnations.

Theres been evidence, none proved that I know of, not all disproved either. On the scientific side theres no proof of dark matter either, thats theoretical still.

I don't know if there is or isn't anything after death. However I know it'll happen whatever, so why worry about it. Be the best you can be NOW.


Being agnostic is your 'insurance policy' :becool:...if there is a creator and you happen to meet upon him some day...


Home Counties
Fear of Death or Fear of Being Dead?

Being dead has no concerns for me. Nothing of the consciousness that is Derall will survive after death. I will not be aware of being dead so what's there to worry about?

As to the act of dying, the only thing I would worry about is that it should be as pain-free as possible.

I'm not really worried about it any more. Couple of times I've come close. Once falling off Pavey Ark and feeling the rope go tight - then go slack again. Once on the top of the Cairngorm Plateau in a blizzard.

The latest, when the Diabetes came on and when I finally got down to the GP I was told that my Blood Sugar and Urine Ketone levels were so high I should at best be in a coma and at worst be dead. I don't look at it as being on 'borrowed' time, more that I'm on 'bonus' time now, and enjoying every moment of it.


New Member
South Beds.
Gerry Attrick said:
Sorry if I appear thick, but would you care to translate?:becool:

vbc = forum name
ygm = You've got mail. :biggrin:

I think people have experienced various situations as described above....its natural to react to these and change your outlook on life.
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