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Woah! I figure that's around 157rpm crank speed in your tallest gear. Had you spun out and were still accelerating on the incline? That fairing must be helping your aero a fair bit


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
Had you spun out and were still accelerating on the incline?
Good god, yes, you don't think I did that under my own steam, do you?! ^_^

That fairing must be helping your aero a fair bit
In roll-down tests I've done with & without it, it's worth about 1mph. The fairing is good for keeping my feet warm in winter, keeping the rain off my legs and making the trike look 42% cooler.

I suspect trikes are faster than DF bikes downhill for three reasons:
- lower, and thus more aero
- heavier, and thus accelerate more
- more stable, making us happy to do ridiculous speeds without braking


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
What I mean about the gearing is you can pedal like blazes to get up to a decent speed in the first instance, then the hill takes over from there.


Hyper-Fast Recumbent Riding Member.
How much of that is down to gearing differences between the two?

I have 9-34 on the rear and 30/42/52 on the front which gives me 17-112 inches. Maximum speed so far is 54mph, and 40+mph is commonplace.

The Strada has 11-32 rear, and I swapped the front 50 for an FSA 53. The Ice Trice is also 11-32 rear with a 53 front ring. It came with Q-rotor chainrings, which I can't say feel any different to regular chainrings. I think the main thing is that the Strada is lighter, more aero dynamic, and has skinny 23mm tyres. The Trice is a good 10 pounds heavier, has 2x23mm tyres up front and a 25mm behind, and catches the wind a lot more. It's not the gearing......I have a couple of reasonable downhills on my commute, and I can't spin out on the Trice. The Strada I suspect would drop like the proverbial stone given a steep enough hill.

I know that it takes me 7 or 8 minutes longer to get to work on the trike. More importantly, I have to put a lot more effort in when overtaking other cyclists. The Strada just seems to be drawn towards other bikes like a magnet, and then catapult itself past them.

I guess I need to find myself a really steep hill one weekend and have a proper top speed test! I can't see the trike hitting 54 mph, but I think the Strada would be capable of a far higher top speed than my brain would allow me to go. How steep was the hill where you hit 54 mph, and did it feel stable at that speed?


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
'Twas the far side of Ditchling Beacon, so very long and steep, and yes, it felt 100% stable. The only scary bit was watching the bend at the bottom of the hill approaching at high speed and wondering how late I dared leave it to brake! As it was, braking was totally drama-free.

I'm a bit puzzled that the heavier machine turned out to be the slower one for you: weight is a pain uphill, but downhill it helps you accelerate. For me, top speed is mostly a function of the length of the hill once you hit a certain steepness, it's just a question of how long the speed gets to build.
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